Chapter 17

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About six weeks had past since the almost destruction of two Islands and one island destroyed by the super-weapon, exploding on itself. Eagle Island was not a good place to live and since the eagles don't have any better places to go, the residents of Bird Island welcomed the eagles with open wings.

During those six weeks, (Y/N)'s leg healed up as well and was out of the cast. She felt immensely better as well. The pigs gave her some medicine, which she was unsure at first, considering it was medicine for pigs and not for birds.

But they insisted that (Y/N) should take them. She did, and now feels way better than before, In fact, she felt like as if she never died...supposedly.

Red had a big project going on, on Eagle Mountain where it used to be.

He wanted to do something to commemorate the events of the mission and saving the live of everyone from their impendent doom.

He kept it a secret, refusing to tell anyone. Which annoyed (Y/N), but he won't tell unless she tells him her secret. Which she also doesn't want to tell.

Besides that, (Y/N) was planning the wedding that was happening the next day. (Y/N) insisted that she hosts the wedding for Ethan and Zeta. The two newly weds will do the planning, but (Y/N) will be the one who executes the plans.

She wanted everything to go perfectly for her dad and her mom.

(Y/N) was looking at her clipboard, checking off the list for the wedding tomorrow, "Invitations...check, chairs....check, decorations...check, foods...check, drinks....check, music slash D.J...check...check and check!" (Y/N) looked at the list and grinned proudly, everything was according to plan. (Y/N) was excited for tomorrow.

She had time to relax for the rest of the day as well.

(Y/N) was thinking about what she wanted to do, it was kind of getting late so the bars were opening up.

While deep in thought, someone pulled her out of her thoughts as they jumped on her back.

"Oomph!" (Y/N) groaned in annoyance, she was going to say a word or two to this stranger who hopped on her back.


(Y/N) immediately noticed the silver and pink wings wrapping around her.

(Y/N) smiled as she turned her head, "Oh! Hey, Silver!"

Silver quickly hopped off and smiled at (Y/N), "Sooo, did you talk to Red yet?"

(Y/N) chuckled as she looked down at her feet and dugged them in the dirt, "Uh, no...not really..."

"Why?" Silver asked as she tilted her head to the side.

(Y/N) heavily sighed, "I-I don't know. I just...can't!"

"What do you mean?" Silver asked. She then started to do some walking motions as she spoke, "You just go up to him and tell him how you feel!" She finished, smiling at (Y/N).

(Y/N) let out a groan, "'s really not that easy."

Silver looked at (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow, "Well, why not?"

(Y/N) rubbed her wing as she tries to find an explanation, "I know this might sound cheesy, but I'm afraid to fall...I'm afraid that he won't catch me."

Silver hummed as she nodded, "I'm sure he will!" Silver encouraged, "You just have to give it a shot, just be yourself! Even if it doesn't work's better than regretting not saying anything at all."

(Y/N) looked at Silver in surprise, "Wow, I--uh...that's really good advice."

"Thanks!" Silver smiled.

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