Chapter Eleven // Reunion

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The sizzling sound of grease popping, and a microwave going off filled the kitchen as I made some easy dinner. Bacon and popcorn. Jared would be busy for the rest of the night, and his parents wouldn’t be back until Monday. So I was gucci with being here by myself. Placing my four strips of bacon on a napkin, I go to take my popcorn out the microwave. With a nice size bowl, I opened and poured the popcorn into it, and sprinkled some sugar on it. I learned this little trick from a close friend in fourth grade, her name was Ariel. We were the best of friends, and everyone knew it, but sadly she moved when we hit seventh grade. Doing a small dance as I could smell the sweet scent it gave off. 

Malia has been busy all day, and has yet to ask me how my day has been. She didn’t even tell me good morning! I allowed my thoughts to carry to the bigger issue. Jane and Alec. If they were at the Volturi, why couldn’t I just go now and see them? Another thing; when I finally meet them, will they remember who I am? I mean, I know after a few centuries a vampire can actually forget their past life. Is it possible they forgot me..?

   “I’m gonna give you to the count of ten to get your ugly, yellow, no good keister off my property before I pump your guts full of lead.”

Upon hearing my movie come back on, I rush into the living room with my bowl of popcorn in hand, and my bacon. I plop down onto the love seat and get comfortable. My eyes were so wide as I witnessed the best scene in movie history play out right before my very eyes. The small boy, Kalvin, placed firecrackers into a red cooking pot, and hurried over to the other side of the kitchen. 

   “Alright Johnny, I’m sorry! I’m going!” the character named Snakes says, placing his hands up in a surrounding way. 

  “One…two….ten!!” gunshots were fired at snakes as he tried to dodge them. The older gentleman laughed like a menace as the small child brought his knees to his chest, he covered his ears and watched the shadow outside his back door window run away. 

   “Keep the change you filthy animal.” Kalvin mocked the man on the tv screen with a smirk covering his face. For a child, he sure was pretty creative and brave. The man that was scanning the house out rushed back to his buddy who sat in their get away van. A chuckle pasted my lips as I shoved a handful of popcorn into my mouth. The two criminals drove off, leaving the boy to do a little victory dance. 

The sound of a key jiggling around, and the front door being messed with caused me to freeze. It couldn’t be his parents because they weren’t supposed to be back till Monday. What if they came home early though? Did they know I was here…? I swallowed hard, and got down on the floor, just watching the front door. He said he’d text me when he was on his way, and I haven’t received anything yet. 

The door opens wide, and an exaggerated sigh comes from the person on the other end. My heart begins to start beating fast as I can see the tan skin, and dark slick hair of Jared. A sigh leaves my mouth as I stand to his view. He gives me a tired smile, and shuts the door. 

  “You scared me dork. I thought your parents had come home.” I laughed, sitting down and patting the spot next to me. He looked so beat up, and a set of new scars littered his chest. A frown took over my facial expression as I watched him lean his head back. 

   “Yeah, haha. No worries though. They know you're here.” I smiled, and looked down. His shoes were torn up and muddy. He did stink. Like...really bad. 

   “I’m gonna go get the shower started for you. You go get you something to change into and a towel, and meet me in there.”  I whispered in his ear before placing a gentle kiss underneath his ear. He hummed in satisfaction, and smiled down at me. -”Thank you baby.”

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