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I rushed, hoping to make it to the clearing on time

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I rushed, hoping to make it to the clearing on time. I had to, there was no way things could go any better if I didn't. My lungs began to burn, my eyes soon were filled with tears, and my legs felt like jelly. I jumped over a log, and continued running down the path. My heart was racing, pumping louder and louder. I could hear a loud howl, and knew I was getting closer. Grunts, and yells from the vampires fighting welcomed me. I entered, my eyes wide open in terror. My family, the newborns, the wolves. Quickly scanning, I saw Jared's wolf form, fighting off five vampires as best he could. Mom was between two, and Jasper was flying through dozens of them within seconds.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the five vampires attacking Jared, and opened my eyes to see them being consumed by fire. Jared looked, and huffed, knowing I had deliberately disobeyed an order to stay home. I sheepishly smiled, and moved behind a tree to keep an eye on everything else, even making sure mom was okay by taking care of one of the males who seems to be the stronger one.

A reddish, orange glow formed a circle around the male, igniting into a fire, causing him to look down in terror, and become paralyzed. The flames itched upward, moving inward, consuming him. His screams of agony filled the field, causing a smirk to paint my lips. The scent of death, and decay filled the area.

I knew I was okay, I had to be okay here. None of them knew nor sensed I was near, only my family by now, who didn't make a scene. I worked my magic from my spot, knowing the more I used my gift, the hotter I grew. Hopefully my sweat would aid in clouding my scent, but I didn't come here with any lotion scents, nor perfumes.

Rosalie handled three male newborns by herself, quickly taking them out, smirking in the process. Some forget how strong she is, even in heels and make-up she can put you in a grave. I retracted back into the forest, knowing my family was gaining the upper hand. Seeing my parents spare a smaller girl who was cowering back, away from them, made me smile. It wasn't her fault she was here, neither was it my parents.

Taking my phone, I sent a group chat message to the four guards, "Do not harm the ones they spare," and looked up to see Alice take a female down, and zone out as Jasper moves in to protect her.

I smiled, backing up some more, knowing it would be best for me to leave and go home now. Doing so, I turn and leave. This time, there's no rush, so I walk. The scenery was beautiful this time around, not mocking me as It did last time as I flew past the trees and birds trying to reach the clearing.

A cold breeze blows by me, and my heart stops in my chest. I feel this sense of unease, and dread wash over me as I try and focus on who could be sneaking up on me. The forest grew silent, and soon I was face to face with a woman. I hadn't met her before, but by her red eyes, I knew she wasn't stopping to say hi. I instantly begin to use my gift, but she just smirks.

"A shield," I curse, and back up, my back hitting a tree.

"Bingo," She chuckles. Moving in closer. She wore a simple outfit, one she was more than likely turned in, and her hair was pinned back.

"What do you want?" I demanded, raising my head, not cowering under her gaze.

She just smirks, and lets out a, "Tsk," before circling around me. I began debating if I should build a wall of fire around myself, but decided against it. Why harm nature any further, and the homes of the creatures of the forest?

"Victoria said you were special, and I guess based on what I saw you do a few moments ago, you are. I wonder what else you're capable of." My heart began beating again. Victoria, of course. I remembered my first encounter with the red haired vampire, how she began to grow this obsession over me. I closed my eyes, not knowing what to expect as the woman itched closer to me. 

                                                   "I guess I'll just have to see for myself," 


Hello you beautiful people. So, how does this sound? I know it has been a while since you've been informed on Joanna Rose Cullen's journey, and no, it is not done being told. She has gone on a wild journey since you've last read, and I will soon be sharing. Thanks to all for the major love and support on this story. You are all appreciated. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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