Chapter Thirteen // Survivor!

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The sound of a crazy laugh, and hands clapping together brought us out of our little moment. My eyes darted to the raven haired king who eyed me like a snack. Maybe because I was, and he was ready to pounce. It was my turn to tighten my grip on Jane’s hand as I coward like a fool between them. Alec grabbed hold of my free hand as Aro advanced down the three steps leading up to his throne. Jane and Alec both let out warning growls as their master approached the three of us. Aro, seeing this, put up both of his hands in a way to show he wouldn’t hurt me. I didn’t believe it though. I heard he was unpredictable and cruel, so knowing this, I looked over at Edward.  ‘Does he plan to eat me?’ I asked him. His eyes locked on mine as he tried to hide the clear amusement in his face. With one shake of his head, I visibly relaxed. 

   “May I?” Aro asked, placing his hand out for me. I knew of his gift, and to be honest I really didn’t feel comfortable with this man going through my head. I’ve had enough of that with freaking Edward, but at least he tried to stay out of our heads. Well, everyone else’s more than mine since he takes it upon himself to make sure I’m not doing anything stupid.  I sighed, and hesitantly placed my hand in his. He was quick to receive it and pull me a bit closer. I could feel him roaming through my head, and it was so uncomfortable. I mentally cringed at the way he held my hand too. His eyes met mine, with a look I couldn’t understand, and let go. Backing away a bit, he continues to eye me down. 

   “You have been gifted with the gift of life, dear child. What a blessing.” the rough, deep, sad sounding voice of a male sounded through the whole room. My eyes fell on the sad looking king, who watched us with close eyes. I knitted my brows, and narrowed my eyes. I was surprised he’d have anything to say to me. All I could do was nod my head and whisper a thank you. Quickly averting my gaze to the floor, feeling nervous under his stare. 

    “What a happy surprise! Bella and Joanna are alive and well. Oh how I love a happy ending. They are so rare.” Aro spoke up in a voice filled with excitement after a moment of silence filled the room. Nodding towards the twins, he turned on his heel and made his way over to Bella. Taking Edward’s hand from Bella, he does the same he did to me. Look through his thoughts. 

   “Her blood appeals to you so much. It makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?” Aro asked, looking between Edward and Bella. 

    “It’s not without difficulty.” Edward replied, looking to be in pain as he spoke. Probably because Aro is still holding his hand. - “I can see that.’ Aro chuckles out in a weird, creepy way. I can see Bella visibly shrink back in fear as his gaze shifts onto her. 

   “Aro can read every thought I’ve had, by one touch.” Edward eplains to Bella. Understanding why Aro took both mine and Edwards' hand, she nodded and looked back at their joined hands. -”And now you know everything, so get on with it.” 

   “You are quite the soul reader yourself Edward, but yet you can’t read Bella’s thoughts. Fascinating.” Aro let go of Edward’s hand and backed up, looking at Bella. - “I’d love to see if you are an exception to my gift as well. Will you do me the honor?” Aro’s voice grew a little deeper as he held his hand out towards an unsure Bella. All I could do was watch as she hesitantly placed her hand in his.

They both stood there, Bella’s hand in Aro’s as he tried to find something. “I see nothing.” Aro spoke up after a moment of silence. He seemed to be deep in thought as he held his hands together and turned around, walking only a few steps away from the trio in the center before turning back to face them. 

   “I wonder,” He began, replacing his thoughtful look with one of excitement. - “If she is immune to all of our powers. Jane?” Aro turned to face my sister with a sickly sweet smile, as she stepped forward and locked eyes on Bella. “No” Edward rushed forward causing Jane’s gift to shift onto him. He fell to the floor in agony as he closed. Bella tried to move forward, but Alec rushed to her side and pulled her back. Leaving Alice to lean down at our brothers' side.

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