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(Prologue chapter)
She knew this day would come, she just hoped it wouldn't have come so quickly. The mobs spawned closer and closer everyday - that meant the virus wasn't far behind.

Lia was a strong woman, or at least she like to think she was. She had been through so much, and come out alive. Lia didn't know if her heart would survive what had to happen next.

A month ago, the plan was simple. Get the supplies, draw the map, leave with her son, and get to Hope. There were rumours that scientists in Hope developed a cure for the virus, and now everyone called the city Last Hope. The last hope for humanity as a species.

Then Lia broke her leg. Badly. The plan changed, and she was terrified of having to send George on his own. But then George's best friend, Nick, came like a godsend. She could trust Nick to go with her boy to Last Hope and they would protect eachother. She thought of telling George's other best friend too, but very recently, poor Halo (or BBH as they called him) went missing.

It hurt Lia to put the boys through so much at once, but quarantine would be set up any day, and then it would be too late. If only there was more time.

Lia felt a tear trickle down her cheek as she hauled the supplies crate out of a small cupboard. Nick was over for a sleepover today, and when the boys came downstairs, she'd have to get them to pack. Lia's vision went blurry with tears and she tried to compose herself before the boys came downstairs. She wouldn't cry.

She would get these boys out. Even if they lost their home, their friends, their family. Because they would survive.

First ever prologue chapter, it's pretty pog ngl. Any questions about the world rules don't be afraid to ask! It's fun and reader interactivity is good.

Sincerely, a fancy crab

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