Waking Nightmares

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Tw for a little bit of blood and swearing (it's not that bad I promise)

"George? George wake up, it's just a nightmare-"

Dream gently shook his friend's shoulder. Tears spilled over George's cheeks, washing down blood from a lip that had been bitten too hard.

George gasped and bolted up, breathing hard. He grabbed onto Dream's arms as if they'd disappear any second."D-Dream?"

"Yeah it's me. You're okay George, it was just a nightmare alright?"

The mutated in question nodded too quickly - too used to the way a restful sleep could turn into this. God knows all of them had had their fair share of night terrors.

But despite this wonderful practice, whatever he had dreamt obviously spooked George quite badly because he was dangerously close to hyperventilating.

"George? Take a few deep breaths with me okay? I'll count for you."

The mutated in question gave another nod but his eyes were slightly glazed over still.

As Dream counted, he tapped out the numbers on George's shoulder. After a minute or two the death grip on Dream's arms softened.

"Th-thanks Dream." George said quietly, "I'm s-sorry... Did I w-wake you?"

"No no George it's fine. I was already up."

"Is it s-still night?"

Dream was confused for a second, before remembering that George couldn't actually tell how bright or dark it was thanks to his mutation.

"Yeah. It's pretty late."


It was silent for a moment, then Dream said, "Here. Scooch over a sec would ya?"

George obliged, giving his friend some room on the sofa. Said friend then grabbed the blanket that George had been using and layed it over the two of them. What? It was cold okay?

"Dream? Don't you want to go back to bed or something if it's late?"

"Well." Dream said, "I figured after a fright like that you might not want to be alone."

George didn't answer, and Dream couldn't quite make out his face in the dim light. Scared he'd been wrong, Dream tried to take back what he'd said so confidently a moment before. "O-or I could go if you want me to I just thou-"

Dream was cut off by George leaning into his side, head resting on Dream's shoulder. Despite himself, the latter flushed and hoped to dear god George didn't notice.

Funnily enough, the brunet was trying to hide a blush of his own. "Thanks Dream" he whispered into the darkness.

"No problem."

More calm silence ensued, and eventually George's breath returned to a relaxed and steady rhythm. It was peaceful. Carefully, Dream put his arm around the smaller's torso. When George didn't flinch or tense, Dream allowed himself to relax. He smiled softly and leant his head on top of George's.

In no time at all both of them were fast asleep, perhaps wondering if they were becoming a little more than just friends.

'a little more than just friends'

What did that mean?

George awoke and for a few moments he refused to open his eyes. Instead choosing to lie there in comfortable bliss. Then he remembered everything that had happened last night. Oh gods.

Sure enough, he and Dream had slept on the sofa next to eachother - practically cuddling. Even though the latter of the two had his eyes closed, George could tell he was awake.


Dream hummed.

"I think we should talk."

Dream hummed again noncomitantly, his eyes pinched shut against the soft stream of light entering the room.

George swallowed the lump in his throat and sat up. But instead of facing Dream, he sat closer beside him.

Dream opened his eyes but squinted even in the early morning light. It scared George how tempted he was to reach out and trace those beautiful scars on his face.


Oops. He'd been staring. "Right uh. So... What's going on with- with us Dream?"

"I don't know" Dream sighed. "Friends cuddle right?"

"They do. But I don't think that's all this is."

"Then what is it?"

Well. George had a pretty good idea of what it was to him now - that much was clear - but was it the same thing to Dream?

Fuck it. George was about to find out.
He turned to face Dream, and kissed him.

Ranboo stomped down the corridor to room 213, his normally fluffy tail was spiked up and slashed aggressively through the air behind him.

Though he was never a morning person, today Ranboo's foul mood couldn't be attributed to the time of day. He was angry because he'd accidentally teleported. Again.

This would have been fine if it were just Ran, because Ran was an enderman mutated. Ranboo, however, was only half. And his atoms weren't too jazzed about finding themselves somewhere new so suddenly. They were so upset by their ability to do this in fact, that they did it on a weekly basis - each time leaving the poor mutated feeling discombobulated and a little shaky.

The small cave spider mutated that Ranboo had found himself face to face with at the ungodly time of 7.00am on a Sunday had also been very upset. So upset that they'd decided to wack Ranboo over the head with a broom.

In all fairness, anyone probably would've done the same if an incredibly tall black and white something appeared in their kitchen, immediately slipping on the tiles that weren't even that slippery. Ranboo may have also knocked over a few cups in the process of trying to grap the kitchen side.

Ranboo had left as quickly as he could, apologising all the way out the door. And now here he was, making the long trek back to bed. He'd probably have to get some ice for his head first.

Fumbling with the spare key that he kept in his pockets for occasions such as these, Ranboo let himself relax as he opened the door.

The already strange - and frankly disconcerting - feeling of today was bumped up to a new level as Ranboo opened the door. He saw as George quickly pulled Dream towards him, and they kissed.

Dream's eyes widen in shock for a moment, and then Sapnap had the misfortune to walk in carrying a glass of water.

Well, he was carrying a glass of water, because the human promptly dropped it in shock.

The curtains are beginning to close.

Yes. This would be over soon. Halo could feel it in his blood as he stalked through the trees.

He'd been patient. Waiting for weeks on end outside these muffinheaded walls.

As soon as he got in, he'd kill every single mutated in there just for existing. Starting with the 'Dream Team' as Halo had heard them call themselves.

There was going to be blood, and it was going to be glorious.

Writing past 12.00am go brrr...

Sorry that I kind of starting disregarding Niki and Ranboo, but in the original plan of the story they went even supposed to be here so-

Sorry I forgot to upload yesterday aha.

Sincerely, the ringmaster

Almost But Not Quite HumanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon