Bring Them In

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Tw for blood, mentioned injury, and swearing.

Dream's head was foggy, clouded by drowsiness. He gingerly opened his eyes to see a very concerned George break into a smile of relief. He was sitting up. When did he sit down?

There were makeshift bandages on his arm and leg, and probably one on his side - but Dream could already see dark splotches appearing over them.

"Oh thank god you're awake! You lost a lot of blood Dream. I- I wasn't sure..." George trailed off, and Dream could guess what he wasn't saying.

George cleared his throat and continued, "Do you think you can stand? We kind of have to get moving."

"I-" Dream's tongue felt heavy in his mouth, and the world was still a little blurry. "Fuck... I d'know..." he slurred. Why couldn't he just take a nice nap instead, huh? Dream let his head roll back and sighed, missing George's relieved smile morph back into a frown.

The brunet glanced over his shoulder, to where Sapnap and Niki were helping Ran and Boo. The two looked okay - if a little shaken and unsteady.

He looked back at Dream, noticing the stark contrast of red and green on his hoodie. Had colours always been this bright? Adrenaline still surged through George's veins from the conflict, making his limbs buzz and each injury fade to a dull ache. "I'm going to have to carry you then, okay?"

The masked mutated hummed non-commitantly. George knew he probably needed urgent medical attention, as the makeshift bandages wouldn't last long, but they could all be in much more danger staying here.

As carefully as he could, George lifted Dream, quietly apologising when he whimpered from the pain.

"Hey, don't worry Dream. Well get through this mkay?"

Dream didn't have the energy to respond.

Niki and Boo walked side by side, Ran trailing a little behind his counterpart. Niki noticed with a warmth that they were holding hands. It was no doubt they were probably shaken up, and Niki couldn't imagine what it had been like while Halo was controlling them.

Her concern may have been a little overbearing though, because she'd asked the enderboys how they were doing at least eight times in the past half hour.

"Niki, relax, we're okay!" Said Boo with a smile.

Ran nodded, "Slight case of tinnitus, but that's not really a problem." he laughed.

Niki sighed, and bit the inside of her lip.

"Hey Niki?"


"Are you okay?"

The mutated in question swallowed the lump in her throat. There were no physical injuries that a good night's sleep couldn't fix, but Niki new that that wasn't what Boo was asking. The albino mutated looked at her expectantly, his brows creased in concern.

"Yeah." she lied.

The counterparts exchanged glances.

"Okay but..." Ran clicked his tongue, "You can talk to us you know? Or Ranboo, or anyone else."

Niki looked at the ground ahead of her, avoiding her friends' eyes. "I know."

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was if she'd ever be able to wash the mental blood of the fox mutated from her hands. If Niki hadn't threatened Halo, if she hadn't said anything, then maybe he'd still be alive. Niki may not have been the one to actually kill Fundy, but to her it was as much her fault as it was Halo's.

Almost But Not Quite HumanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon