The End?

130 5 36

Tw for death, swearing, injury, mention of abuse, implied mention of a suicide attempt, and blood

This is a long one. It's 2500 words I'm serious. Buckle in.

A scream rang out through the darkening woods, and George turned to Dream with a detmined stare. The latter nodded, and grabbing George's hand he pulled the duo through the trees at a frightening speed.

Still, it seemed that the cries died down too soon, because the owner of them was nowhere to be found.

With deflated hope the two continued their search for Skeppy, silently toying with the prospect they were already too late.

George, more so than Dream, was cold.

Sapnap stumbled through the undergowth while vines and roots clawed at his ankles. Greif teared through him over his words to Karl - who seemed so distraught at the mere thought of Sapnap going to look for Skeppy.

It didn't matter if what Karl said was true or not, it was so clearly real to him and caused him pain as clear as day. Sapnap could work out if Karl was just mad or not after he found everyone and brought them back home.

When the human heard the cry in the woods, he too tried to reach the source in a blind panic through the vegetation to no avail. But he did find someone else. Two someones.

"Wai- George? Hey guys over here!!" A grin stretched over the human's face as George and Dream spotted him. They ran over calling his name.

"Sapnap you're alive!! Oh thank god." George shouted with manic hope in his eyes.

Previous disagreement forgotten, the two friends wrapped one another in a hug so tight Dream swore they'd crush a rib or something.

"Hey, good to see you're not dead Sapnap." Dream said far too casually.

"Back at you guys." Sapnap smirked, then his face fell, "Did you hear that scream just now?"

"Yeah uh... It was probably Skeppy right? Who else would be out here..."

"Yeah. We should still try and find him though. He could still be alive-"

"Not if it was Halo that got him."

"It could've been a mob."

The three knew that they would still try and find Skeppy either way. And so they went into the woods united as a trio against the forces of evil-

Nah I'm kidding that's cringe. But they were united, and they were filled with determination. And they were so, so terribly unprepared.

Niki, Ran, and Boo were far away - searching in the opposite direction.

Well Niki and Boo were anyway, because a hoard of zombies had separated the trio leaving Ran alone in the darkening woods.


"Ran where are you?!"

Boo was shaking, not only from the chill of the cloudless night; he'd never been so far from his counterpart before and their fear of separation was almost palpable. Niki walked close to Boo with a comforting arm on his back as they walked.


A faint "Guys?" was heard in the distance, and Boo immediately turned and sprinted towards the sound with Niki hot on his heels.

"Ran!!! Over here!"

"Boo! Niki!" Now Ran was in sight and running too, arms thrown out to the side in anticipation and joy.

Almost But Not Quite HumanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora