Do You Have A Library Card?

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(A week after the events of 'Crystals')

"Uno!" Yelled Sapnap in celebration, and the two enderboys opposite him grimaced. This was the closest they'd come to losing against Sapnap without throwing the game on purpose.

A green three sat smugly on the top of the card pile and Ran struggled to find something that would stop Sapnap's victory. He didn't have any greens but maybe he could throw the human off with a blue three instead. He put down the card hoping to read Sapnap's reaction - but there was none.

Boo went next, and he thankfully had a blue plus-two which he slapped on top of Ran's three with a smirk. But to the enderboys' horror, Sapnap presented a smirk of his own as he held up a green plus two and stacked it on top of Boo's. Various cries of 'Noooo!' And 'Yes!!! Finally!' rang out before the three remembered that Skeppy was sleeping so they should probably be quiet. They giggled to themselves quietly.

"So... Another game then?" Boo suggested as Sapnap gathered all the cards together again.

His counterpart objected, "But we've already played like a million games! The others aren't going to be back for ages so why don't we just go exploring or something."

Earlier that day, Dream and George had slipped out just 'to talk', then Niki said she needed to see Eret for something equally mysterious and left too. With Skeppy asleep, that left the human, Ran, and Boo to themselves.

"Oh that's a great idea!" Sapnap sprang up, almost dropping the cards again, "I heard there's a massive library down the road, we should totally go check it out!"

The other two were quick to agree, and so the three left a little note for Skeppy saying that they'd gone to the library and left the apartment.

Karl loved the warmth of the library, but sometimes it was a little much.

He knew that he'd left it too long this cycle and that Sapnap - alone or with another - would come by the library today. He always did. Karl didn't know what to do; it broke his heart Quackity wasn't here, and he hated having to pretend that he'd never met the Dream Team before. Karl wished he could just tell them everything without sounding like a crazy person.

The library was fairly empty, but Karl still took care to not tread on the boards that creaked and he didn't move around too fast. If anyone discovered the little library of his own... It would be mayhem.

He heard the door open with a jingle, and the beautiful sound of Sapnap's laugh. Maybe he could risk a peak over the edge of his ledge - just to see the human's face again.

Karl breathed deep, and peaked over the rafters to meet Sapnap's coal-black eyes. Oh crap.

Quick as lightning Karl ducked back down, but pressed his ear to the boards.

"Hey uh- did you guys see that?"

"See what?"

"There was a-a person... up there!"

"Sapnap. Are you really saying there was a person in the ceiling-?"

"I'm telling you! I saw someone!"

"Well, I doubt you're going to be able to go up there and check man. Let's just go get some books okay?"

"I suppose..."

Karl relaxed and sighed. He was going to have to go and talk to Sapnap later, or this cycle was as good as lost anyway. But would that be so bad? He could just try again anyway...

No. He wasn't going to give up just because things weren't perfect. Not again anyway. It was too risky.

Pulling his green and purple tinted goggles back over his head, the brunet thought about calling Conner, but decided against it. What would Conner be able to do to help anyway?

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