Healing Hands (P2)

201 14 4

Tw: swears

Out of breath, the two boys made it to Tommy and Technoblade's shared room, and Tommy left Toby at the doorway to scramble in his storage box for something.

"Aha!" The boy shouted triumphantly, holding a small metal object in the air.

"Oh Tommy... Is that- Is that your compass?" Asked the brunet softly.

"Yeah, I knew I kept it around here somewhere."

"Why did you keep it, after all this time?" Toby unconsciously took his compass out too, as if both compasses together would somehow help.

Tommy traced the edge of his compass with one finger, making sure it was cool enough not to mark the metal, "It was one of the only things I had when I woke up. I thought it might be important, but I could never figure out how to open it."

Toby's eyes were shining slightly, but he had a smile on his face, "It's a puzzle lock."

"Who's shit idea was that?"

"Yours, actually" Toby laughed.


"Here, pass it over and I can open it."

Reluctantly, Tommy gave Toby the compass. He fiddled with the opening mechanism for a minute or two before it popped open with a satisfying click. Toby smiled wider, and passed the compass to Tommy.

Inside was a picture of two people - him and Toby - standing either side of a lightning-struck tree.

"You used to joke I owned the forest behind my house, and we'd explore for hours. You said that tree was-"

"-the coolest, fucking thing I'd ever seen" Tommy said automatically, and then that flicker of memory came back to him so much stronger than before. There was a word, a single word, lit up in his mind: "Tubbo."

"Yes? Wait, I never reminded you of my nickname."

"You didn't?" Tommy was genuinely unsure, but Toby shook his head so that meant... "I REMEMBERED SOMETHING!"

"Wha- How!? this is incredible!!"

With wild gestures, Tommy explained, "There was a little fire in my brain and I grabbed it and I said 'you can't be hiding stuff from me no mo, give me my memories' and it did!"

Tob-Tubbo was a little worried that Tommy was talking to fires in his brain, but could they really be bad if they gave Tommy memories? Maybe it was just a metaphor. Yeah, let's stick with that.

Tubbo rubbed the base of his neck." Does this mean... Does this mean you might be able to remember more things?"

Tommy hummed in thought, and seemingly came to a conclusion: "Listen up Tubbo, it's now my mission to remember you. It's fuckin mission impossible baby, but we're gonna do it!" Tommy's tail swayed happily.


"You and me bro!"

"Let's gooooo!"

It's was truly a wonderful sight to see the two boys celebrating Tommy's memory, and even without it already the bond between him and Tubbo was growing. You can't keep best friends apart for too long, and fate was waaay overdue a reunion.

When the sun began to disappear, Tubbo yawned. "Man, I have been walking literally all day. So tired"

"Dude stop yawning-" now Tommy yawned, "See you're making me yawn too!"

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