The Right To Kill

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Tw: blood and death! Mwahaha...

"Please Halo you don't have to do this!" Sapnap cried as Halo lunged towards him. The former blocked and countered with a swipe from his dagger, seeing as it was too close-range for arrows. George struck from Halo's other side, but Halo dodged both of them.

It's seemed that the mutated was not up for talking, as he gritted his teeth and refused to reply.

Despite both sustaining a few minor injuries, George and Sapnap were both largely unharmed: Halo didn't seem to be fighting at his 'A-game' today for reasons that no one knew why.

Dream was not doing well against Ranboo; in his attempts to not harm the half-enderman mutated, Dream received gashes on both his arms, and one on his side.

Ranboo struck without hesitation or mercy, despite Dream's desperate pleas for him to snap out of it. Why couldn't Niki have been here, she'd know what to say; she and Ranboo  always seemed close.

Nothing seemed to be working as Ranboo pushed Dream farther and farther back, so the latter had no choice but to counter lest he be killed.

When Dream struck out, Ranboo seemed surprised, but quickly recovered. He hissed in pain when Dream drew a long cut down his arm with a sword, decorating his sleeve with red.

Realising that he was vaslty out skilled, Ranboo split into Ran and Boo to duel Dream two to one, in an attempt to overpower the clearly stronger mutated.

Curiously, at the same time that Ranboo split, Halo made an especially sloppy strike at George, and wasn't fast enough to dodge George's counter slash. It wasn't a fatal wound, but it did give George and idea as to why Halo hadn't killed them yet.

When Ranboo split, Halo effectively had another mind to control and therefore had to divert more concentration away from his own fight. George was no expert but 'mind control' didn't seem like a simple and easy concept.

George looked at Sapnap who nodded, leading George to assume his friend had made the same connection. Halo growled in frustration.

On the other side of the battle, Niki and Fundy were surprisingly evenly matched. But it was exhausting, and eventually Fundy's stamina would outlast Niki's own yet... she didn't want to hurt him when it wasn't even Fundy's fault!

If only they had a way to get rid of Halo without hurting Ranboo or Fundy. Right now all Niki could do was hope that Fundy would find his own way to get free.

There was nothing Niki could say that might get through to the fox, because she barley knew him at all, but maybe she could somehow make Halo let him and Ranboo go.

Niki waited and watched for a pattern in Fundy's attack pattern. Even if she wasn't much of a fighter, Niki had always thought herself as perceptive, and a fight could be broken down into coreografie specific to each person. You just had to be aware enough to spot it.

There! Fundy consistently followed a swipe right with a quick jump backwards. If Niki could just time it right she could catch the fox off guard. She waited for a minute longer, then swiped Fundy's back leg out from under him as he stepped back.

The fox lay hit the floor and stayed there, seemingly with the breath knocked out of him.

Niki quickly poised her weapon at his throat and called for Halo.

The mutated snapped his attention to Niki and Fundy, leading the others to do so as well. In the stillness the only sound was heavy breathing and rustling leaves. Dream especially was struggling to draw enough air into his lungs.

"Let them go Halo, or- or I'll kill Fundy."

After a pause, Halo clasped his hands behind his back and simply said, "Do it then."


"Kill away," Halo's mouth curled back into a smile, and his tail swished lazily behind him, "I don't care."

Niki glanced at her companions then back at the demon, "I really will do it." she protested.

"I'm not stopping you." Halo hummed and looked at Niki expectantly. When she didn't move, Halo decided to giver her a prompt.

"If you kill Fundy, I promise I'll let Ranboo go. How about that?"

Could Niki do it? Selfishly, Niki thought that she might if it guaranteed Ranboo's saftey... But what did the word of a killer even mean? There wasn't a guarantee that Halo would do anything he said.

So Niki slowly moved her sword away from Fundy's throat. Halo looked disappointed, then muttered, "Do I have to do everything myself?" before teleporting through the shadows to where Fundy lay.

In one deft motion Halo used his clawed fingers to draw a red line on Fundy's throat. The fox mutated gasped and blood flew to his lips. It was a horrible sight - to watch him struggle to cling to life for a few meagre minutes before death claimed him. The orange fur around his neck was matted with metallic blood.

Tears leapt to Niki's eyes at the sight, and her gasp broke the spell that had settled over the group watching helplessly as Fundy bled. Sapnap had his bow trained on Halo, and he was about to let the arrow fly when he felt the cold sting of a dagger pressed against his throat.

Altered by Sapnap's cry of surprise, Halo spun back around and saw Ran with a dagger against Sapnap's neck.

"Oh, that's handy." Halo mused, "Well you might as well kill him Ran. If I'm honest this is getting a little boring."

Ran tensed. Sapnap squeezed his eyes shu and felt his heart racing. No one moved for fear of provoking the enderman mutated.

But nothing happened.

As if scolding a small child, Halo put his hands on his hips."What are you waiting for you muffinhead? Kill him already."

Once again Ran didn't move, but with a voice so full of venom it would rival a snake he said, "Go. To. Hell.", and threw the dagger straight at Halo.

For better or for worse, Halo disappeared before the dagger found its mark.

To everyone else's horror, not only had Halo escaped but Ran, Boo, and Dream collapsed onto the floor almost simultaneously.

Only then did everyone notice just how bad Dream was wounded.

Dangit Halo got away AGAIN!

But are the enderboys and Dream okay?! Guess you'll have to wait to find out ;)

Sincerely, a Minecraft acacia boat

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