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This story is requested by two friends first my pal Mist_Ivy second my dear friend  sakura12_12...
My heart shattered when I saw the dead body of my fiancé more like ex-fiance.... Its all my fault if I would've had just been a maid for two days he would've been dead!!!why am I so selfish WHY!! ....Dante thought as tears start to form in his eyes and fall on the dead body.
"Hey Dante?" Arman ask as Dante look at him with red and puffy eyes."Y-Yes?"Dante replied in a weak voice."Hey calm down...we all have to die one day"he said as he pat Dante."but why him!!its my fault!!if I would've has just listen to him!!!he wouldn't been mad and had that accident on the way"Dante yell as tears fell.
" Hey don't blame yourself"Arman said as Dante just kept yelling and crying.
"I'm sorry D-Delta" Dante say in a whisper as he put a flower over his grave and sit next to it."you know after u left I-I kinda had the urge to......kill myself...this was the first time you were ever mad at me...and I just couldn't feel guilty.....for that...I'm s-sorry" Dante say as he sighs."Hey dummy its not your fault I was just acting m childish"Dante heard a voice behind him as he jerk up."Ah??whose there!!?"Dante yell in fear as he try to act brave."Ha-hallo?"Dante tried to say but couldn't find anyone."Boo!~"Dante heard near his ear as he stumble some step in fear and falls."ow!!"Dante say as he get up."Hahahaha still the same clumsy Dante I see!~"he heard someone say over the grave so he looked up and his eyes widen.




It was......



" D-Delta?"he said as Delta more like ghost nods."h-how...I-I mean...your alive and flying..??"Dante say as Delta chuckles."Silly I'm a ghost! ~"Delta say as Dante gulps."Don't eat me!!!"Dante say as he tried to run but Delta caught his collar."Ahhh let!!!me!!!!GO!!"Dante yell as Delta sigh."Typical Dante...hey I never hurt you when I was alive why do you think I'll hurt you now?"Delta say as Dante face turn red."REVENGE!!!YOU KNOW LIKE IN MOVIES WHEN THE HERO TURNS INTO A GHOST HE COME BACK AND BAM!!!HE KILL HIS MURDER??"Dante say in one breath as Delta annoyingly look at him."Well those are movies idiot....and even tho it happens I love you and your not my murderer"Delta say as Dante look at him." But u got killed Because you were mad at me....and then I'm sure u would've been able to concentrate in your driving and.....have that terrible accident"Dante say as tears stream down his cheek."I don't even have to punish are already sorry and guilty you know and you didn't say the part one the hero comes back for his beloved love!~"Delta say as he cup Dante's cheek."oh ya I forgot that part...heh..."Dante say as he rub his neck nervously."oh my idiot fiancé is still the same "Delta say as Dante pouts and say 'hey'." Hehe I love you!~"Delta say as he lean in to kiss Dante who also lean in.........

BEYBLADE BURST (ONE SHOT'S BOOK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora