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Am sorry for not uploading soon I was just kinda busy in school so sorry anyways this story was requested by Zoey5804 hope she like it and others too.
Enough chit chat let's get to the story shall we~


"Toko,Nika go wake your brother up" a woman named chiharu said to her twin kids who nod and go to their elder sibling room."Hey toko how about we use beybread this time?"A girl named Nika asked her twin who shook his head." We used that last time how about we use water.?"he replied as this went on for a while until a doorbell sound was heard across the whole house. "I wonder who might that be?" Toko asks as Nika shrugged as they went to wake their brother up. While chiharu go to open the door and saw a albino standing with a warm smile."Oh hi Shu"chiharu say as she smiles."Hi Misses chiharu"Shu said as he bow while chiharu chuckle." I think you are here for Valt.?"chiharu say as Shu nod."Yes mam Miss Mary told me to help Valt get early today"Shu replied as chiharu sigh."I'm sorry for all the trouble boy anyway you know why she want him to come early"chiharu ask as Shu nod."Its OK and I think a new student from foreign is arriving so that's why"Shu reply with a hint of disgust but chiharu shrugged."Ooh so that's why he's in his room"chiharu say as Shu as her permission and went in.
"Cmon Valt wake up" Nika shake Valt as he snore more louder."Let me guess can't wake him up"a voice say as Nika and toko look up to see Shu."Shu-kun "Nika say happily as Shu come in and ruffle their hair." Why not you two go and let me handle him"Shu say as toko Nika glance at each other and then Shu."Well Shu-kun Valt's is too hard to handle?"toko and Nika say unison as Shu wink."Never underestimate a best friend kiddos"Shu say as toko Nika chuckle and leave.
"I ship them" toko Nika whisper to each other and chuckle while Shu went to Valt and try to wake him up.
Shu lean down to Valt's lip....................................

He was gonna kiss him...........

There lips were inches away..........

But then Shu pull away and sighed."Sorry Valty I can't hold on much longer "Shu whisper as he put his hand on Valt's nose and stop him for breathing.










" AHHHHHHHHHHHHH"Valt yell as Shu laughs and rub his ears."Wha Shu..?"Valt say as Shu nod."Good morning sleepy beauty "Shu say as Valt blush." Um......where's toko Nika they were supposed to be waking me up?"Valt said as Shu shrug."They did but then you didn't wake up so I told them to leave it up to me"Shu say as Valt face palm. "What time is it?" Valt ask as Shu take out his phone from his pocket."Um....7:12am why?"Shu tell as he put back his phone."its only 7....."Valt say as Shu nod."12 too.....but now 13" Shu say as Valt sweat dropped. "Yaya" Valt say as he was about to sleep again but get pulled out by Shu."No"Shu say as Valt pout."But its freaking 7........14" Valt say as Shu pull him out."Pout one more time and I'll kiss you"Shu warn as Valt blush while look at Shu's smirk."Sh-shut up kurenai"Valt say as Shu laugh."Did I made you blush awwww"Shu says only to be hit by Valt's pillow."Finee I'm awake now get out so I can change"Valt say as he take Shu out."Don't want me to help"Shu say as Valt blush."Hahahaha just kidding well we are boys so it won't be bad"Shu say as he smile while Valt nearly fainted. "Shut up" Valt yell."Fine anyway Valt before you do anything roll down your shirt please~"Shu say as he went to miss chiharu and help with a smirk while Valt he kinda fainted.(😀)

"Hey Free" Shu yell to his close friends who smile and went to him."Hey snowflake what's up"he asked as Shu shrugged."Nothing special"Shu replied as he walk with Free. "Where's Valt weren't you supposed to wake him.?" Free ask as Shu nod. "Ya but he's kinda embarrassed so he'll be with kiyama and Kris" Shu said as Free nod and yawned.

"Good morning we had a new student so may come in please" principal shinoda say as a boy with baby blue hair and shark teeth came in."This is Lui shirasogi he came all the way from Spain due to some business there he couldn't join us soon anyways behave and respe-"principal shinoda was cutoff as Lui walk to Valt and held his hands with his own hands while look directly in Valt's hazel eyes by his own violet one.

"Now nothing could break us off Valty~" he said as Valt look around and blush while a certain albino huffed in annoyance and disgust.............
Does Shu know who Lui is or are they old rivals....

In which business did Lui went to Europe....

Will Lui kept his word and take Valt or will Shu will win Valt first watch next chapter to find out

I'm gonna break it off now I'll make the part 2 soon.....

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