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This was requested by my favorite Author WolfieWolf8 Hope you like it!!~❤❤❤

"Um.....what am I gonna do!!" A albino yell as he keep walking here and there nervously as a woman come and stop him."Sweetheart stop!!...you'll be okay!~"She said as she kiss his forehead." B-But....what if...I do something wrong!!"He said as he groans and hug the woman."Shu!!...you'll be fine!!...stop stressing out!!!"She said as she pat Shu who just stay silent and thinks.
"Free!!! Where the heck are you?!" A boy names Lui yell as he enters the room and sees Free sitting and drinking alcohol."The Hell Free!!!...this is a office!!."Lui say as he snaps the alcohol bottle and glass from him."..Y-Ya........Wh-Whate........ver....."Free say as he weakly look at Lui."What the!!....get up...Don't forget your the boss!!!!...and you need to hire a new employee today!!"Lui yelled as Free groans."We do.....t-that tomorr.......ow......I'm.....busy!"Free say half awake and half asleep as Lui sighs."Fine!!"Lui say as he takes the bottle and leaves.
"Ugh!!!...its been 3 hours...still nothing!!"Free groans as he rang the bells and tells the next person to come.......

"May I come i-in...Sir!?" A smooth voice came from the door's other side as Free clear his throat."Come in!!~..."Free say seductively as the boy name Shu come in and blush because of Free's seductive voice." My,My....What we have here!!~"Free mumbles as his eyes glows While Shu look down and his hair cover his red face."Come Sit.........my angel~"Free say as he mumbles the last part."T-Thank you....Sir"Shu say as he sits on the chair while Free take a good look at Shu's body making Shu uncomfortable.
"So!?~" Free starts as Shu look into his golden eyes."Y-Yes?"Shu says as Free smirks at Shu's reaction."Are ya single!?~"Free say as Shu makes a face."What kind of quest-"Free cutoff Shu by kissing him passionately."Mm!?....Hm!!~..."Shu moans and try to pull away but Free was stronger as Shu just close his eyes hopelessly.

Free pull away as he runs a hand through Shu's hair and their faces were just inches away."Your hired!!~"Free say as he lick Shu's cheek and pull away."I-I......"Shu gets up angrily but still scared as Free look at him seductively. "Yes!~?" Free ask as Shu blush but still angry making him look more hot."I don't want to work for this Stupid company!!!"Shu yell as Free raise a brow."Why love!?~"Free ask again as Shu blush more.
"I-I....Um..."Shu felt his mouth dry as he sees Free come close to him again." You already know how much strong my connections are!!~...I can do anything I want!!..and you heh!~..can't even eat properly...If you try to leave this company I'll destroy your reputation~"Free say as he grab Shu's chin and make him look in his eyes."W-what do y-you...want?!"Shu ask weakly as Free smirks."You!!~"Free say as he kiss Shu again.

Free pulls away again as Shu weakly look at him."Leave!!"Free say as he let's go of him and sits back down."...."Shu glance at Free once and then leaves.
"UGH!!who do he think he is!!" Shu yell as he sits on his chair exhausted while some other employees come to him."Hey!?...Ya good??...I heard Sir Free didn't gave you rest last night..and you have to do all the paperwork including ours?!"Daigo ask as Shu weakly nods. "Man we agree Sir is strict but...isn't he too strict to Shu!?.." Valt say as Others nods."We must help him!!"Rantaro say as others nods again. "Yes!!...we must fight!!..for our beloved friend-" "There you are!!" Free comes to them with his usual strict face and emotionless tune."......S-Sir?!.."Everyone calls him as Free look at them annoyed. "What!?"Free say almost yelled as everyone gulped." W-We!?......um...Good luck!!..Bye Shu!!.."Everyone runaway as Shu face palm and look at Free.
"Yes Sir!.. You need something?" Shu say as Free raise one brow."I'm your boss!!..of course I'll need something if I come to some dumba** like you!!"Free says as Shu hold his rage."Anyways!!..I want you to redo the paperwork!!~"Free say as Shu gets up."What!!"Shu yell as Free look at him."Yes!!...And I need the work tomorrow morning..you took 3 nights last time..but not this time!..even if you have to stay tonight do it!!"Free say as Shu clench his fist tight."Understood!?~"Free ask as Shu groans."Yes!!...Sir!!"Shu say as Free smirks and leaves."THAT JERKA$$!!!!!WHO DO HE THINK HE IS!!!"Shu yell as everyone gulped and hide from him the whole day.
"Yes!..Mom I have to stay here tonight!!...I'm sorry Mom..." Shu was talking to his mom as he sees a yellow shadow across the room."Huh!?...Mom I'll talk to you later!!"Shu say as he cuts the call and gets up as he sees the yellow shadow standing far for Him. "Whose that!?..Its 2 am...everyone is gone then whose that!?" Shu thought as he walks to the shadow but the shadow keep walking away while Shu keep following him till they reached a faraway dark room.....
Shu couldn't see anything due to the dark as he try to look clear."The heck!?"Shu yell as he sees the door closed behind him."Hey!!...let me out!!..."Shu say as he bangs on the door."Shhhh!!...My love!~..everything is going to be okay!!~"a person behind Shu say as he puts a cloth on Shu's mouth."Mm!!...Hmhm!!!"Shu tried to yell but couldn't as he smells the cloth and fell his vision blurry."Now!..I'll show you how much I love you!!~"Those were the last words Shu heard before he faints in the persons arms.
"Huh!?....w-what........happened?!" Shu said to himself as he woke up all naked."What the heck!!...Why am I...not wearing anything?"Shu yelled as he try to move but he was chained up to a bed."GHA!!..."Shu felt shock as he try to get out.
"My,My!!~...Your body is damn hot!~"Shu heard a seductive voice across the room as he look at the voice owner but only could see dark golden eyes starring at him."...........F-Free!?" Shu whisper as Free smirks."Yes my love!!~"Free say as he come close to Shu."Aah!?...what are you doing!!"Shu say as Free get on top of him."Confessing my love for you~"Free say as he lick Shu's neck."Aaah!!~...Free Sir!~....Stop!!~"Shu moans as he close his eyes."If I did then....How will I be able to show you my love!?~"Free say as he bite Shu's neck and makes hickey on his neck."I-I...have been raped many times!!~...this is not new for me!~....and I know you don't love me!!!~...I'm just a dumba** nothing more!!.."Shu say as he kept moaning."But I do....I just didn't wanted other to know....I was afraid to spoil your reputation!!... You make me feel complete....your the reason I haven't drink alcohol for days!...your my source to live!!~"Free say as he gets up and look in Shu's eyes."I love you!!~"Free confess as Shu look at him."Wait.....Really!?"Shu ask as he look in Free's eyes and melts in them."Yes!!.....I love you more than my life!~"Free say as he kiss Shu full with love and passion."Aa-ah!!~...Mhmm!~Shu moans through the kiss as he smiles and kiss back..

Both of them pull away due to oxygen as they both stare into each other eyes and intertwine their fingers while smiling.
"I love you Shu / Free!!...........till the end!!~"

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