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"I screwed up" I sighed once my other best friend, Bam answered.

"At work?" he asked.

"Yeah" I sighed again, switching my phone to my other ear as I strapped my bag onto my shoulder.

I continued walking up the short path from my car to the elevators, my head still buzzing with thoughts of work and how to improve on myself.

"It can't be that bad... right?" he asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. It's not like I'll cause the company to lose money. I just feel really guilty and like I should be doing a lot better since it's a new project and I got promoted... also, I guess that I'll probably have to work overtime for a good few weeks before I can solve this stupid mistake. I've rescheduled the interview that announces my promotion too"

"I might be over then with Mark then at least?" he tried.

"Which is worse, I can't even spend time properly with you two" I grumbled.

"Eh. We'll be fine"

"I won't" I rebutted, jabbing the elevator button. He laughed in response before answering someone in the background.

"I got to go" he mumbled.

"It's fine. Hurry over already" I grumbled, stepping into the elevator.

"I'll try" he promised, laughing as he hung up.

I entered my apartment with another sigh, feeling like I was going to grow older at this rate. Everything felt too cluttered despite cleaning around the apartment, knowing that I needed to go for a run to clear my mind instead.

I quickly changed into my running attire and strapped on my watch, deciding to leave my phone and work behind before heading down. I took off towards a random direction, too muddled to think of anything.


I lost myself in the run, my mind clearer as I focused solely on my breathing and the constant one two steps.

I glanced at my watch after awhile only to realise that it was getting quite late and made a turn to head back to my apartment.

I was pushing myself by then and stared on the ground, not wanting to trip and sprain my ankle while not paying attention like I did before. I kept my gaze down,  watching my shadow dance around me with each step and street lamp I passed.

I was about 5 blocks away when I realised that another shadow was slightly behind me. I sped up my jog, all too wary of the time now especially since most shops were closed.

The shadow kept up, my heart speeding up faster than it already was, the adrenaline pumping through me as I started panicking and running faster. Just 3 more blocks now...

I felt so out of breath, my lungs burning with the effort as the shadow crept nearer. Shit shit... I'm not made for speed running. Why did I even think that this was a good idea? I don't even have my phone. Do they recognise me? But the news hasn't even been made yet...

I watched the shadow reach out towards me and hastened my steps, turning around the final corner to my apartment. I made a quick dash for it, using the last burst as my legs felt like jelly and I knew I couldn't run anymore. Oh God. I'm going to die. Goodbye mom. Goodbye dad. Goodbye second dog I never had. Goodbye new position and job.

Wait. I did learn some martial arts before. I smacked my head mentally, speeding up my run and tugging my ear buds out as I turned around the corner. I braced myself and clenched my fists under the street lamp, trying my best to even my breaths and steel my body as I turned around to face the person.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now