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Jinyoung led me to a studio after smacking my chest, the easy smile he had on making my heart flutter against my chest.

I followed after him as he dashed forward to lead the way excitedly while I tried my hardest not to stare at his sexy ass but got caught by him anyway.

"Excuse me"

"You're sexy" I shrugged at his raised brow. He stood there stunned allowing me to catch up next to him before letting out a laugh with that damning blush of his. He's too adorable.

He led me to a door at the end of the corridor, raising his hand to knock and peeking his head in before opening the door fully for us to enter.

"Hey" Jinyoung called out, giving a slight wave and stepping in.

The chorus of hellos I got made me slightly hesitant as I followed him, my brain ticking as they looked familiar. Ah, they're the group of guys I saw him with...

"Hi, my name is Jackson" I smiled, taking over and reaching my hand out to greet them.


One of them smiled and stood, shaking my hand with a firm grip. He sized me up, scanning me from head to toe and staring into my eyes. His sharp eyes bore into mine but my face was a mask of composure, slipping into my work mode.

We stared at each other unfazed until one of them grabbed my hand from JB's, breaking the moment.

"I'm Youngjae" he smiled, giving my hand a nice shake, his wide smile and cheery voice bringing me back to the present.

I left my work face on to have some semblance of composure and glanced at Jinyoung from the corner of my eyes as he looked so stiff, the worry evident in his eyes as he stared at me.

"Yugyeom" the last guy said, taking over and fist bumping my hand instead. Wait, what?

I turned to face Jinyoung fully to see him give Yugyeom a death stare, his face crinkling into an adorable smile, his hand reaching up to cover his laugh when he knew he got caught by me.

My heart thumped ridiculously in my chest like it usually did when he smiled at me, my mask falling altogether as I smiled crookedly at Jinyoung. He's the one that makes me feel like I can be me. I hope no one heard that...

"Come on, let's sit down instead" Jinyoung said, staring back at me with a smile.

He tugged me over to a sofa in the corner facing the computer screens, all of us settling around the black soda under the spotlights, the easy conversation flowing around them.

Some music was playing in the background, the music turned low enough that we could hear it without having to raise our voices to be heard.

I wrapped my arm around Jinyoung's back and on the sofa, my other hand in his lap and laced together with his as he held on tight to my hand.

He gave my hand comforting squeezes the entire time we were talking, the squeezes letting me know that he was thinking of me even while we were chatting with his band mates.

I caught Jinyoung's careful voice as the music went on, his smooth voice soothing me into a relaxed state that I never wanted to end.

I angled my body towards his and tugged him closer, wondering if he would ever sing for me at home. Home... huh.

I turned to look at Jinyoung and gave him a proud smile, his soft gaze sucking me into him that I unconsciously leaned forward, my eyes flickering down to his lips when one of the guys coughed, breaking the moment.

The Way - JinsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora