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The weekend ended before I knew it, the two of us just hanging out, talking about everything and occasionally making out until we fell asleep.

I woke up early on Monday, crawling out of bed and standing there to stare at a sleeping Jinyoung. It's ridiculous how incredibly adorable and good looking even when he's asleep.

I hurriedly prepared some breakfast and brought it into my room, setting the tray on the bedside table before pressing a kiss to Jinyoung's head.

"Hmm?" he hummed sleepily, reaching out for me but missing and grasping at the air.

"I brought breakfast" I smiled, watching him squirm around before cracking his eyes.

"I'm going to get ready for work. Stay in bed"

Jinyoung nodded sleepily, sitting up in a daze and I gave him a quick peck on his lips, my lips tingling despite being swollen from our making out sessions.


I got dressed before I left the bathroom, buttoning up my shirt with a smile as I remembered how Jinyoung liked how I looked in formal wear.

I slipped my pants on, tucking in the shirt before opening my bathroom door to see a wide eyed Jinyoung checking me out.

I chuckled quietly at his expression, finding him all too adorable. I slipped my belt on, choosing and matching my cuff links when Jinyoung handed me a tie.

"Help me" I suggested, lifting my collar and hanging the tie. I held onto his waist and stared at him concentrating, his nimble fingers twisting it into a knot.

I pressed a kiss to his nose and lips when he was done, his fingers clinging onto my tie to tug me closer to him. Everything felt so perfect in that moment, my heart and head filled with him.

"I got to get to work" I whispered softly, not wanting to break the moment.

"Okay" he mumbled, still staring deeply into my eyes. I wonder what he saw... does he see the depth of feelings I have for him?

"This is the week that I'll be away" I sighed, tangling one of my hands into his hair.


"I'll miss you"


"Only okay?" I asked, swallowing the lump in my throat, my mood falling. I let go of him quickly, turning away to grab my blazer to hide my disappointment instead, shrugging it on as a protective shell.

I took a watch from my drawer and shut it with my elbow, my eyes focused on the strap as I turned, not wanting him to know how hurt I felt.

"I'm going to work" I said to my watch, tucking the strap in. I looked up at Jinyoung and gave him a nod, walking out of my room.

I didn't want to linger any further, walking quickly out of my apartment without wearing my shoes properly and adjusting them only when I got to the elevator lobby.

I heard some footsteps pattering as I entered the elevator, the doors closing before I saw who it was.

I released a sigh when I entered my car, running a hand through my hair and regretting it as it mussed up. I let out a louder sigh and drove to work, not bothering about fixing it further.


I was in a poor mood at work, distracted by my tingling lips, the whole thing a reminder of how little he cared and thought of us.

"Seun nim... are you alright?" Han Sung asked meekly once we left the meeting room, my mind still on Jinyoung as I kept quiet throughout the meeting.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now