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The security team managed to lead us out of the office and into the restaurant without bumping into anyone, the private room already set up for the two of us.

The yellow lights made the room cosier than it was, the white table cloth a contrast against the dark carpet floors.

The silverware and glass shone despite the yellow lights, making Jinyoung's eyes twinkle each time he tilted his head.

The joy in Jinyoung's eyes made my heart melt, his usually reserved actions and voice louder as we ate.

I stretched my hand out and held his in mine, needing some extra contact to feel grounded when I was floating on cloud nine.

"How was your day?" I asked, leaning forward to listen to him.

He shared about the meals he ate and some scenes, skipping over the marriage scene and whatever happened, "so that was the filming, it ended quite quickly and we had a get together lunch before I went to find you".

"Nyoung, I'm okay. How was the filming?" I asked again, squeezing his hand in mine.

"It was okay. I didn't like it to be honest, all I could think about was you" he replied, bringing my hand up to his lips.

"Good" I smiled, trying to make the situation lighter. He snorted a laugh in response, the tension leaving his shoulders.

There was a knock on the door and he leaned back, releasing my hand all too quickly.

"Come in"

The waiter brought in the dessert and asked if we wanted more wine, noticing our empty bottle. I shook my head after glancing at Jinyoung, his cheeks already flushed red from the alcohol.

"You didn't tell me about your day yet" Jinyoung frowned, leaning forward towards me once the the waiter left the room.

"I had a slow morning but as there was a surprise for me in the afternoon, my day went great"

"Charmer" he laughed, shaking his head.

"I do mean it though"


Jinyoung smiled his adorable smile and tugged me to the glass panel to see the night view when we were done with dessert.

He insisted on taking a photo of me with the night lights as the background, throwing me his smug satisfied face when I complied.

"You know I don't like taking photos" I sulked, tugging him towards me.

"It's for my eyes only" he laughed, pressing a kiss to my lips and stepping back too quickly.

I tugged him back to me and flipped our positions, pressing my body up against him as I tilted my head and faced him.

Jinyoung's red lips and wide eyes stared up at me, his shallow breaths fanning my neck. I took my phone out and snapped a photo of him then, laughing at his shocked face.

I pressed a quick kiss against his lips before stepping back, smiling still at his adorably stunned face.

"You're so mean" he mumbled, shaking his head at me.

"I learn from the best" I teased, tapping his chin lightly with my finger.

He laughed and charged at me, the two of us messing around while leaving the restaurant. Jinyoung laughed with his head thrown back, his hand wrapped around my wrist and tugging me along towards the car.

He tugged me hard enough that I almost crashed into him. I tripped on my own leg and stumbled forward, steadying myself by wrapping my arm around his shoulders for support.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now