Chapter 55: Piccolo vs. 17

Start from the beginning

"It's about time!" Vegeta hissed, stepping forward and walking right past them both as he headed towards the door. "Come on boy!" The Saiyan snapped, Trunks following his lead as both Saiyans disappeared inside the room.

"Take care of Vegeta! Okay Trunks?" Goku called out, smirking as he heard the prince growl before the door shut behind them.

Typical Vegeta... Luna thought, shaking her head as Gohan ran towards her.

"Luna! You've got to help Piccolo! He's fighting the androids right now!" Gohan explained, very worried as he knew his friend's odds weren't the greatest.

Luna's eyes widened, the purple haired Acaiian looking over the edge of the lookout as she concentrated on finding his power level... There! She thought, her green eyes narrowing as she knew it was time to end the little game they were playing...

"Don't worry... I'll take care of it." Luna answered simply, smiling at them all before walking towards the edge. "You should all stay here where it's safe... I'm going after the androids."

"What?! Like hell I'm staying!" Kaito growled, not liking where this was going. "You can't just run off by yourself! Especially right now!" He shouted, Goku tilting his head as he noticed Luna seemed different somehow...

Before he could argue his case further, the smaller Acaiian took off, jumping over the side as she blasted towards the large source of energy not too far away...


Back on the battlefield...


17 and Piccolo continued to face off, both fighters moving faster than the human eye could detect as 16 and 18 watched their fight from below.

"I sense two powers..." 16 stated, getting the blonde woman's attention as he frowned, knowing this battle would not be as easy as 17 expected it to be. "He has fused with Kami." 16 explained, making 17 look over at both of them in confusion.


Before the android knew what was happening, Piccolo slammed his elbow into the other fighter, knocking him forward as he blinked a few times, a vicious punch to the face sending him stumbling forward again as he was repeatedly knocked around by the green fighter. One more kick sent 17 skidding across the ground as he coughed a few times, pushing himself up angrily before speaking.

"Seriously... What the hell's a 'Kami'?"

"It means God..." Piccolo answered, holding one hand out in front of himself as he began powering up his attack, watching in amusement as the android's eyes widened.

"Now bow."

The whole island was bathed in a golden light as a huge beam of energy sailed towards 17, 16 and 18 watching with interest as the attacked finally detonated, nearly taking out the entire island itself.

"Too bad jolly green giant..." 17 teased, smirking at everyone from up above as Piccolo narrowed his eyes. "Looks like you missed... Try again for a zeni?" He finished in a mocking tone, glaring down at the Namekian as he knew he had to be cautious. His strength is incredible...

Piccolo growled, powering up two orbs of energy in both hands before firing them at the boy above, repeating the process as 17 dodged every one of his attacks with ease...

The whole sky was tinted red as Piccolo continued to launch blast after blast, each one of them missing as 17 stopped moving, realizing that none of his attacks were even close to hitting him.

"Um... I stopped dodging?" 17 said awkwardly, not sure what was going on as the fighter below him still kept firing. "Seriously, are you even trying to hit me?"

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