6 (with the author)

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Well, as yall can tell, this is not going the original way as the real war. But hey, I thought about a new way to twist it up, so don't worry yalls sorry little heads about it.

I just looked at the guy infront of me, blood dripping down his neck, water rising around him.

"Who the hell are you." The guy spoke out, barley above a whisper, but it wasn't a question. He glared at me, hate filling his inhuman green eyes.


I almost screamed in anger, this man, bleeding, tied to a piller, drowning, and passed out is asking ME THE MIGHTY TOMMY INIT, who I was!

Did he live under a rock? I thought as I opened the iron cell door.

"Tommy! Is he alive!" I heard Wilbur call out as two pairs of foot steps came towards me.


I slowly made my way to the guy, my heart beating in my chest. The water is now up to my knees, which to him ment shoulders. I would have to hurry fast if I wanted to get both of us out of here alive. I first felt around his neck, trying to find some sort of pulse.

"Oh God! Is he even alive!" I looked up from the man, and turn to see a boy with brown hair, and sky blue eyes.

"He is, just help me by blocking the water out!"

I hurrily went to the back of him, seeing the metel lock right in the center. I grabbed my pick ax and went to town on the lock, hoping it would break.

"DAMIT!!" I yelled in frustration as my pick was the thing to break instead.

"Tommy, you need to clam down!"


I jumped up from the rising water, making my way to the comander. Tubbo was still trying to block the hole in the celling with some dirt he had found earlier.

"That fucking lock won't budge, we should just leave him!"

"Then what would be the point of search and rescue." Wilbur grabbed my arms to steady me. "What would dad think?"

I just nodded my head. Me and Wilbur made are way back over to the lock. I turned to him, knowing what he could accomplish with the knowledge he gained from years of leadership. He pulled out two potions, and slowly poured them over the black lock. It seemed to sissle, then slowly fall apart. I turned to see that Tubbo was also done with the water, making it stop just under the captive's chin.

Something about him seemed familiar, not going to lie. With his dirt stained green hoddie, black pants, and dirty blond hair, I could almost place him. But I also remember his green eyes. They looked like something from stories full of monsters and demons.

We unwrapped the black chains holding him. It almost seemed like it was over done. Wilbur put the chains into his bag, earning a strange look from me and Tubbo. I stood in the front, catching him as he fell forward.

As soon I did, we booked it from the cell. The temporary blockage that Tubbo made from dirt was starting to fall apart. Wilbur picked up the green eyed man from me dragging him, and threw him over his back. Tubbo and I raced ahead to make sure the path was still opened to get out. Wilbur was struggling behind, tripping over the debris of the falling tunnel. Behind him, a rushing river of water raced toward us, ready to take us down in an instant.

I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and I put all my strength to run faster. My lungs and legs were burning, but I knew that there was no way we would survive if we slowed done now. I noticed how Tubbo was feeling the same effect, and started to slow down behind me, but I grabbed him and pushed him forward. There was no way I was losing a single friend for that stranger. We jumped through the opening of the door, with Wilbur right behind us.

I sat up, making sure everyone was ok. In the fall, Wilbur must have thrown the man, because he was just infront of him laying on his side. Tubbo took it on himself to check us for injuries.

"O my god!" Tubbo yelled as he checked me out. "Are you ok!"

I was puzzled by this question, not intill I looked down at my hands and uniform. It was completely drenched in bright red blood against the dark blue of the fabric. I quickly took it off, checking myself for scratches or wounds, but found nothing.

"And you too Wilbur!" Tubbo sounded panicked again.

I looked over at Wilbur, seeing his shoulder completely covered in the same substance.

"This isn't mine." He said, quietly.

We all turn to the mystery man. Tubbo, slowly turned him over off his side. Thats when the grass showed its tented red color.
The man was pale, too pale. His breathing was getting slower.

Who the hell did this too him?

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