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Noone said a word, not even the ballsy kid that I was currently threatening. He just looked up at me with anger, but I could tell he was afraid. I dropped my sword swiftly, and went back to sit in my thrown, but this time not bothering to keep up appearance. I just lounged in the giant chair, my feet on the arm rest, but I was still holding my sword with it resting on my shoulder.

"Tommy! This is why I told you to keep quite!" Wilbur said to the kid.

"Your lucky the king didn't chop off your head right then a there!" George yelled at the kid, he was slightly sweating due to the fact he never really liked violence.

"Whats your age." I said, interrupting the yelling at the slightly relieved boy.

"I'm 15, and the captain is 20"

"Let me give you a piece of advice, keep your mouth shut around royalty and shit. There not as forgiving as humble old me."

Tommy rolled his eyes, but he kept quite for now. It surprised me that there was another closed to me and my friends ages. Sapnap was 18, George was 17, and I was about to be 17.

"My lord, we don't have anything to give you, but hear are pleading-" Wilbur said

"Dream." I said, ignoring completely what he was saying.

"Excuse me??"

"Dont call me lord, call me by my name- Dream"

"First name basis, wow, were honored!"

That kid, Tommy was talking back again. You could here the sarcasm in the annoying British accent of his.

Man I want to punch that guy.

"Look kid, can you shut up and let the big kids talk. Your really starting to bug me."

I stare down at him, making sure that he felt some form of imitation.

"I'm not taking orders from a man wereing a smile mask!"

I sighed. He was really getting on my nerves.

"Tommy, if you don't stop talking right now, I swear I'll glue your dam mouth shut!" Wilbur yelled out, stopping him from saying anything more.

"But if we don't stand up to him, who will!"

"Now is nor the time or place to talk about this right now."

I sighed, knowing this will never end, and I wanted to sleep today.


Everyone stopped their talking, and just turned to me.

"What did you sa-" the kid starts

"I said no, you cant have your stupid land. I cant afforded anymore land being lost."

They both looked suprisesed, but what did they think would happen. Sapnap and George were whispering in the back ground. I hoped out of my chair and proceeded to walk out of the room.

"NOW, if you excuse me, I have some sleep to catch up on-"

"Wait! Is that it!"

I turned to look at Tommy. This is never going to stop, is it? All I did was glare at him through the white mask.

"Th- the king said it was final, so its final." George said, still in awe of how fast we got through this meeting.

Usually other would take hours, at least I've heard. George takes care of most of my meetings for me.

I'm lazy, sue me.

I just left at that point. The 4 people arguing in the background.

Why can't people just take a hint

I walked down the hall, tired as hell. I knew that it was probably a stupid decision to just leave, but hey, I'm threw with them coming back every time asking the same thing.

My stomach growled loudly

Well, time to get yelled at by badboy

Badboy Halo was a world renowned Chef and was also in charge to take care of me. He always yells at me when I haven't eaten. Its weird because he's only 19, but god did he act like an 80 year old man. He was always looking out for me, even when I was a baby. Also weird is that I've always remembered him 19.

I turn done the hall, and walked right into a man with bark brown hair, evil black eyes, and wearing a black suit that screamed money. Just looking at him made my blood run cold, but I pushed it off. It was probably one of the new lawyers I've heard about.

"Excuse me, but I didn't see you there," I said as I start to pick up my dropped sword. "Silly that the leader of this place is so clumsy."

"Sorry, I geuss I wasn't paying attention today, how do you do my king"

The words were sickening sweet, but the last one was spoke with a full snear. My eyes winden behind my white mask. I stopped in my tracts to look up at the man. I understood.

I understood why my blood turned to ice as soon as I saw him. Why my guard was up as soon as I touched him. Why my face when white as soon as I heard him.

"JSchlatt, what-" I spoke, trying to keep the trembling out of my voice

" I wanted to stay hi to my little brother! nice to find out your not dead yet." He grin mincing.

Everything in my body told me to run from this man. The man that I considered part of my old life that I left behind years ago.

I grabbed my sword off the ground, ready to kill who stood infront of me, when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned around and blocked the attack from hitting me with my sword. The arrow bounced off of it, green dripping from the tip. I looked up from it in confusion, only to see a man with black hair and bark eyes, wearing no shirt. Just a blue jacket with white stripes on the sleeves.

"What are you doing Quackity!" I yelled at him, seeing the regrets in his eyes. He raised his cross bow back up, another arrow in the slot to shoot.

Just as I was about to block again, I felt a sharp pain in the back.

I yelled out in pain as my vision danced.

I turn to the side so I could still see the hafe naked man and JSchlatt out of both my eyes. I quickly looked at the back of my side, not wanting to see, but needing to.

The arrow that I first blocked logged into my side, the green slime mixing with my own fresh red blood.

I'm screwed.

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