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  I stood infront of the thrown room door, not knowing what to expect. Most like, I was going to be scents to death, or something much much worse.

  Why did I ever agree to this stupid deal.

  "Eric, you may enter." A mysterious voice said, and the giant doors infront of him opened.

  On the thrown sat the kid king himself. He look nice in his black royal shirt and jeans, definitely a older look. I felt dread as I got closer to the seat.

  "You seem scared." He said, causing me to stop.

  "Of course not your highness, just wondering how I could be of service." I said with a bow.

  "Dont worry, I just came to thank you." He said as he waved everone else out of the room.

  "Theres no need to thank me for that!" I said hurrily "I was just doing what was right for the country."

  "Thats... not what I wanted to thank you for."

  I was confused to say the least, and it didn't help when he stood up from his thrown and walked down to me. He slowly took of his mask with shaking hands, and dropped it to the floor beside him.

  I was shocked. Standing infront of me was the same kid I treated weeks ago. He was different this time though. One of his eyes were slightly paler than the other, just enough that if you didn't pay attention you wouldn't know. His hair was shorter and he had huge bags under his eyes, but other than that he was the same.

  "B-but how!" I said stumbling back. "Why?"

  Deam, or Clay, whatever his real name was, looked down at his feet.

  "Its along story that I dont want to think about, but this is only hafe of the reason I asked you hear." He held out his hand to me. "I would like you to be part of the royal council, but not just part of it. I want you to be the head."

  I was flabbergasted. Everything happened so fast. How did this even make since? As far as he knew, I could still be working for L'manburg as a double spy. Hell, he doesn't even know a thing about me!

  Thats when it hit me. He was still a kid. Doesn't matter how long he ruled, it didn't change the fact that he was being dangerously nivea.

  "You think I'm being stupid." Dream said, putting his hand down. "Correct?"

  I timidly shook my head yes, but regretted it almost immediately. No matter his age, he is still a king.

  "I did think of all the ways you could betray me, but realized, who cares?" He walked back to his thrown and sat down, putting the mask back on. "I know for sure you wouldn't. For 3 reasons, really."

  I walked closer to him. Is this really the same boy I treated? He had this ora of power around him, and the way he talked was much more confident then by the tree.

  "First, I saw the faces of all your friends. That was real betrayal. Second, I know your scared of me, more of what I can do. And thirdly," He leaned forward in his chair, making me come closer as well. "You have a reason you left them, and im almost sure what it is."

  I froze. There was no way he could know.

  "What do you mean."

  "I don't think I would have to spell it out, though what you must of saw must never leave your thoughts." His voice dropped down to a whisper. "You also never know who could be listening in."

  I subconsciously looked around the empty thrown room. Dream sure was smarter than I thought. He somehow figured out how I knew to get out of L'manburg, and what kind I was. How long could he have known this?

  "So what do you say." He held out his hand again. "Would you share some of your wisdom? In return I would give you sanctuary and protection of whatever you want."

  I thought about it. I don't deserve this, not after what I did. I was expecting to live in the dungeon the rest of my life, but it would of still been safe than to stay in L'manburg. To be honest, I tried reasoning with Wilbur at the start. If only I could of made them listen.

  Its not my fault.
  I thought as I took another step to the king. I warned Wilbur multiple times, I told him if he continued he would die, but no. He's to loyal to a city, to a dream of what it could be. He always wants to prove to everyone that he was to be looked up to. No, prove himself to his older brother and father. But he didn't think.

  I took another step closer to the outstretched hand.

  He wants to keep his little brother safe, his son safe, but did he not think that Tommy and the rest would follow him, no matter what? Everone is so blinded by loyalty, that they can't see the big picture. L'manburg doesn't have to be a country to be influential. So why can't they just put their swords down, and stop fighting?

  I took his hand and shook it, feeling something small being slipped between my fingers.

  "Welcome to the team, your dismissed for now."

  I turned slowly, almost in a daze that I excepted it. As I walked out of the room, I looked at the small slip of paper he had given to me.

  Welcome sight oracle, your secrets safe with me.
  Talk to head chief Badboy Halo after your settlement.

Burn this when you get to your room.

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