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Dream sat on his thrown, his mask and green hood on, with his long, netherite sword close to his hand. He looked bord to be all honest. If that mask was off, you would definitely see the green eyes of his trying to hold themselves up. Dream was tired, all he wanted was to go back to the good old days when he was just a little prince dancing around the palace, not a worry in the world. But he knew what needed to be done, and sat up as the doors of the great hall opened to show 2 men walk forward.

One of them was a young man, probably 21. He had brown hair, almost black brown eyes, and a red beinne on top of his messy curls. The other looked younger, closer to Dreams own age, probably 17. He had bright blonde hair, percing blue eyes, and was sporting a white shirt with red shoulders. As they walked, the younger one would whisper to the older, but would only receive a harsh shut it in return.

When they finally stopped in front of dreams thrown, the oldest bowed. The young just stood there, and crossed his arms in defiance.

Dream just stared at him. The few people that were in the room let out a slight gasps, which were only Sapnap and George. Dream sat up taller, and leaned forward more, and then reached his hand to his black sword. The tension was slowly getting thicker and thicker by the second.

"At ease."

Everyone was shocked by the sound of Dreams voice. George and Sapnap were expecting an execution, while the older New comer was expecting to have one less saddle he would have to worry about. The older sat up and quickly scolded the younger.

"What is your name and business. Though I can probably geuss." Dream said, he sounded a bit rough.

If there was one thing he could do though, is being intimidate as hell.

"My name is Wilbur Soot, and this is my right hand man, Tommy Init. And we came to get L'manburg's independence from your kingdom." The tall man said, sounding confident and wise, even though he couldn't be over the age of 25.

"Why do you people keep coming back!" Sapnap yelled "We have already said no to you request multiple times, give up!"

"Quite Sapnap" Dream said suddenly, his voice full of power, "I want to know what they have to offer."

"WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER!" Tommy yelled at the king, his companion trying to shush him. "NOTHING YOU ROYAL EXCUSE FOR A KING!"

Everyone stared at shock at what the blue eyed blond said, noone ever talked back to the king and got away with it.

Dream slowly got up, and grabbed his famous black blade from its possession beside him.

"I think you should rethink those words you just said to me" Dream said as he points his blade to Tommys neck.

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