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The day started off great. Me and Fundy got some much needed father and son bonding, Tommy and Tubbo helped fix the camp (and with little pestering from me), everyone was healed with potions that Eric left, and we still had some of his big healing potions left over. Even though we had lost are first battle, we were getting back on are feet. Everything was going perfectly.

That was till a king and his friends showed up, with a certain trader on the side.

"What are you doing here." I said, we were all standing infront of the gates.

"Just noticing your still looking for a revolution." Dream said, playing with his sword.

"REALLY?" Tommy said sarcastically, causing all of us to laugh.

"Noticed noones here besides you." Sapnap said on his left.

He was currently using crutches, and sending death glares at Tommy.

"Everyone left after your little fire attack." I answered.

"Good." Dream said, taking a couple sticks of tnt from his bag and sitting it on the ground infront of him. "Now no innocents get hurt."

"What are you talking about now." I sighed, crossing my arms infront of me.

He simply dropped the 2 sticks infront of us.

"I'll give you 10 seconds till I light these sticks." He pushed his buddy's back. "I did say I would blow it up."

I started laughing. What was he thinking? Even Tommy is smarter than him, and he ate mud as a kid!

"What a ridiculous requests!" I manage to get out threw my laughter, everone on my side was laughing alongside me. "Its times like this I'm reminded your still a child!"

Dream let out a little laugh of his own, and I would be lying if I said it didn't concern me. "I geuss your right about that."

"Which part?" Fundy said.

"Its a ridiculous requests." He said as he bent down with a flent and steel.

"Guys, scoot back, dont let this hurt you." Tubbo said, alittle cautions, but still with a smile on his face.

The kid king smiled as he lit the sticks and everyone watched as the spark traveled slowly down the wick. I still held a smug grin on my face, Tommy matching me. Fundy and Tubbo were making smart remarks in the background, but something seemed off that made my grin waver. Everone on Dreams side seemed cautious, and keeped on scooting back farther away. Sapnap tried to pull Dream back as well, but George grabed him and helped him hobble his way about 10 feet with Bad and Eric. Dream stood his ground, his white mask boring into my soul.

"Dont say I didn't warn you." He said, he finally took a step back as the spark reached the end.

A loud boom went off as the sticks exploded, sending dirt everywhere.

"Wow." Tommy said while wiping the dirt off his face. "That was just grea-"

"TOMMY!" I yelled as I felt the ground beneath my feet shaking. "EVERONE! GET TO THE WATER!"

I ran to the water, everyone following behind me as the ground behind us started caving inwardly. I was clutching Fundy close to my chest, almost carrying him. We vaulted into the small lake beside the Caravan, explosions shooting off around us.

I couldn't open my eyes, either from the salt water, or I was too afraid of what I would see. I was slowly sinking to the bottom of the pool, the explosion sending vibrations around us. I just clutched the trembling fox closer to me as I slowly started to losses breath.

Suddenly, someone was trying to pull me up. I quickly shot my eyes open, wincing as the salt water burned them. Tommy and Tubbo had me by both my arms and were kicking tworads the surface. Fundy's eyes were shut tight and his cheeks puffed out from holding air. I started kicking my own legs, seeing as the other boys were struggling.

We soon broke the surface, each taking a big breath in and out. Amazingly it didn't look like anyone was hurt besides a couple of scratches. Fundy was still clutching to me with his eyes closed.

Tommy suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me and Fundy back under for a split second.

"What the fuck do we do!" He said, eyes wild.

I look around me. Everything was destroyed. The Caravan was upside-down and the wheels blown off. All the tents were gone and massive craters stood in there place. Part of the wall i built to protect everything, was missing. Even the lake we were in was spilling out into a deep hole besides it. Everything was destroyed.

And then there stood Dream. He was sitting down with his legs dangling into another crater dangerous close to were his group was. He himself was surveying the destruction he caused. He turned his head to me and I shuddered. It really surprised me that this boy could cause so much pain.

"We can't do anything." I turned to a shocked Tommy and Tubbo. "We tried, Tommy. But I can't allow this to continue."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!" Tommy yelled, funny perked up his head in suprise.

"I mean that if I allow this to continue, I would be a bad comander, and brother." I put one hand on his shoulder. "Now let's get out of this water to discuss sundered."

I lead the group of drenched misfits to Dream. I was harder than I thought it would be because of the massive holes in the ground. And then we were right infront of them. The group of people who took away what I loved. No. The king that took away what I loved.

Dream tilted his head as we got closer.
"I geuss your finally done?"

I just stared at him, trying to hold in my frustration. After a second of intense stares, I finally nodded my head. But the fight still wasn't over.

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