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  "Oh God, your right!" I said, looking around to hopefully spot my mentor. "D-do you think..."

  "Calm down, Tubbo!" Wilbur said, grabbing me by my shoulders. "You know he's capable of healing himself!"

  I shook my head and started down at my feet. Of course I was over reacting, but I couldn't help it. Eric was my mentor, and even more my friend.

  What would Eric do?

  I looked around at my friends, seeing them covered in dust, blood, and dirt. I knew what to do, help them the only way I could.

  "Everyone come to me so I can clean up your wounds." I said, taking my backpack off and putting it on the ground infront of me.

  I first looked Wilbur over. He seemed fine, but was slightly limping on his left leg. Nothing I could do right now but put ice on it, so I moved on to Fundy. He tail was bent at an odd angle. One look and I knew it was broken. I would deal with that later, I didn't have all of the right supplies, so I just grabbed two sticks and made a make shift splint to hold it right. Last was Tommy, and with one look at him, I knew he must of had a concussion.

  "Tommy, sit down so I can check your eyes."

  "Why the duck should I do that that!"

  Yep, definitely has a concussion.

  Me and Wilbur extanged glances, before I went back to trying to get Tommy to corporate. I grabbed his arm and tried to force him to sit on a fallen log near by, which was surprisingly easy.

  Ok, good. You've done the first step now whats next.

  I stared at my bag, now in my hand. I couldn't think, everything was still swarming around in my head. Tommys eyes were unfocused, and I knew that ment something.

  DAMIT TUBBO! THINK! Whats next! What do I need!


  Everyone but Tommy turned to the voice behind us. There, Eric stood. He looked down at his feet, ashamed of something. I stopped what I was doing almost immediately.

  "ERIC! YOUR OK!" I yelled, hugging him with all my might.

  This earnd me a slight chuckled from my teacher, but he hugged me back. We stood there for a minute, before he grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him.

  "Have you forgotten about someone?"


  I turned back to Tommy. He was trying to fall asleep, but Wilbur would flick his forehead every time his eyes closed. I went back over to him, but this time Eric with me.

  "I-im stuck on what to do next." I admitted, looking at my feet.

  "It's ok, you just learned about brain injuries anyway." Eric said, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Just take a breath and let me do it."

  I switched places with Eric, watching him work his magic on Tommy. He grabbed his own bag off his back, and searched through it. He took out some bandages and a glowing potion of reddish pink. He took his finger, and put it infront of Tommy's eyes, moving it back and forth, having him follow it. He seemed to think for alittle, before touching his hands on the back of Tommy's head, causing him to wince. When he brought it back, they were slightly covered in blood.

  "Is he going to be ok?" Fundy asked, now sitting next to Tommy.

  "He'll be fine, just make sure he doesn't fall asleep right now."

  Fundy and Wilbur gave each other a look, before flicking Tommy repeatedly on the face.

  "The hell, dudes!" Tommy protested, but was ignored.

  "When we get back home, I have alittle detour for us to take." Eric said, now raping Tommy's head.

  "What type of detour?" Wilbur asked, intrigued.

  "A room I like to call, the final control room." Eric took the potion from the ground and handed it to Tommy. "Drink this."

  "Eric, that literally tells us nothing." Wilbur said, a slight smile on his lips.


  Eric faulted. He looked down at his legs. his expression changed to guilty in a split second, before turning back to normal. Noone else could have seen it, unless they were standing by me.

  "It holds all the netherite you could wish."

At that, Tommy choaked on what he was drinking. Everone was shocked at what Eric said.

  "D-COUGH-did you say netherite?" Tommy said.

  Eric smirked. "You heard me right, had to do alot of favors for it though."

  Me and Tommy turned to look at each other.

  "MY MAN!" Tommy yelled, jumping up and patting Eric's back.

  "Calm down, Tommy!" I said, my own excitement escaping my lips. "Your still alittle hurt."

  "I honestly feel fine. I dont know what you gave me, but my head only hurts alittle."

  Eric looked proudly at the now empty flask on the ground. "That was my new health potion I've been working on."

  "Well, he seems to be all right." Wilbur said, making Tommy look at him for a second

  "Yeah, maybe when we get back to camp, you can show us what to do." Fundy said.

  This made Eric look down again, the same look of shame I saw earlier on his face. But as quickly as it came, it left, and he was smiling once again.

  "Sure." Eric said, putting a arm on my shoulder. "I'll train my stare pupil to make them."

  I blushed at this. Even though I was no help today, he still excepted me. Eric was the kindest person I even knew, and I trusted him with my life. But I know he's hiding something, why else would he get those guilty looks once in awhile. Didn't he know we would never be mad at him?

  "I personally think its time for you to show us what you've been up to Eric." Wilbur said, earning a Woo from Tommy.

  "Yes sir." He saluted the comander. "Follow me my friends."

  And with that, we were walking through the forest, hopefully to the end of the war.

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