4 (with the author)

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I think I should explain whats happening to get the story straight. Dream is king, and he's 17. He hasn't met Tommy or Wilbur yet, including there group. He first came into power when he was 9, so of course the youngest in history. Anything else I need to clear up? Well you cant answer back in time so on too the story!!

  The only thing he knew to do was run. Dream quickly barreled past JSchlatt, not caring that he didn't even try to stop him. He went as fast as his legs could carry him, which right now was surprisingly fast with an arrow sticking out of his side. He was weaving in the hallways, trying not to get hit by the arrows he just knew were coming.

  JSchlatt just chuckled as he watched the young King sprint away from them. He couldn't wait to get his grand plan going. Quackity just stared ahead, no emotion in his eyes.


  "Yes Schlatt."

  "Lets go help him out of the palace"

  All Quackity did was look down to the ground, but he soon nodded after a second of thought, and ran after the masked man.

  Why is noone coming from the noise!       

  Dream thought as he stumbled down the oddly quite castle walls. His eyes getting heavier from the lost of blood.

  He looked behind him, only to see the beanie loving man getting close to him by the second. He turned roughly to the left, running into the wall and making his all famous mask fall off. He hurrily ran into the closest room on his left, shutting the heavy oak door and locking it before Quackity got there.

  Dream looked into the giant mirror, trying to see the arrow stuck in his side. He grabbed the end of it, but stopped.

  The only good that would come out of pulling it out was to die faster. He quickly took the base of it, and with a grunt, snapped the end of the arrow so it was less of a hassle to deal with.

  He looked up to the mirror, and quickly noticed that the mask he always wore had fallen off, reveling his lime green eyes full of fire, and a long scar from the bottom of his left eye, all the way to his neck, disappearing into his hoddie. He had slight black freckles dotting his nose. Dream paused, looking at him self for a minute, watching his mouth turn more into a grimis as he heard someone try to take the door down.

  He quickly pulled his hood up fauther to cover his face. Turning around, he realized were he was. His old bed room before he became king. The bed looked so comfortable right now, and his eyes were so heavy. Why can't he just take a bit and res- BANG

  The banging from the door brought Dream out of his trance. He pushed himself off the mirror, trying to regain balance as he made his way to the dusty window. He grabbed the nearest object and threw it at the window, using much more force then was needed to break the stain glass. He looked down at the ground, and noticed his mistake.

  He was on the 3rd floor, and the only way to make it is if he were to land in the small pond at the far left. But chances weren't looking good for him, as he heard the door began to splinter. He quickly grabbed an old thin white sweater he found on the floor, and he wrapped it tightly around his wound, making sure that the pressure was enough to stop the bleeding.

  Dream stumbled into the window ledges, knowing that his mind was getting fogger by the second. As he was about to jump, the door burst open, allowing Quackity and JSchlatt to walk in.

  "Dream, I know your a skilled boy and all, but even you know that you can't survive that jump." JSchlatt said calmly while addressing the situation.

  "Well, I've always said that there's room to try".

  "DREAM DONT!" Quackity yelled as Dream prepared to jump through the window, but something happened that was unexpected.

  Dream collapsed on top of the window, not moving. He almost looked dead. Quackity just stared in shock, but it quickly became shame as he knew what happened. JSchlatt just chuckled.

  "Looks like the drugs finally kicked in, and if not at the nick of time." JSchlatt said with a smirk.

  Quackity carefully picked up the boy, throwing him over his shoulder. He followed JSchlatt out of the room, but he was clearly full of shame. Right when they reached the corner of the hallway, Schlatt noticed something on the ground. A round mask, with a smiley face carved onto the front. He picked it up gently, looking at the newly formed crack on the surface because of its fall. He smiled evily.

"The king has no idea what he's in for"

  He threw the mask on the ground, breaking it into millions of pieces.

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