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  Tommy was pissed when he woke up back at L'manburg. His head was throbing again, but this time for a different reason. Noone seemed like they wanted to talk either.

  "I CAN'T BELIEVE HE FUCKING DID THAT!" Tommy yelled, trying to stand up form his bed in his tent, but Niki would force him down again.

  "Tommy, I know your upset, but for the love of God calm down." Wilbur said.

  He was standing in the corner of the tent with his hand over his eyes. It was obvious he was tired, but at this point everone was.

  "You shoud  go see Tubbo."

  Tommy turned his head to look at Fundy, who had just walked into the room.


  "Well, it was his teacher that set us up. He's probably more pissed than anyone."

  His tail was raped tightly together with yellowish gauze. He had slight bags under his eyes that matched with his adopted fathers. Fundy wasn't close to realy anyone besides Wilbur, and the man himself looked like he had seen better days. It made since for Tommy to look for Tubbo, with them being best friends and all.

  Tommy limped put of the small tent and went were he thought the young healer would be. He crawled slightly through the small hole in the thick walls to get to were their tree stood.

  As he walked, he thought about all the things that had happened. The strange boy he, okay, they had saved, and how he just went missing. How they have now started a war with one of the strongest people he knew, but you would never hear that from him. But also how one of the oldest friends in their little group betrayed them, and for what? Power? So to sum it all up, his world was going to shit.

  As he turned the corner, he stopped. Leaning against the tree in the moon light, was his best friend. Tears were staining Tubbo's face, but he made no move to wipe them away.

  "So..." Tommy said awkwardly as he went to sit next to Tubbo.

  "Oh!" Tubbo jumped and quickly wiped his face, turning away from him. "I didn't hear you walk up."

  "You know me." Tommy chuckled, trying to make light of the situation. "Thats why people call me Mr. Ninja."

  Tubbo laughed.

  "Me and you both know that a traveling trader is a whole more stealthy."

  "Woh! Big man!" Tommy mocked hurt. "Lets not say mean things."

  Tubbo chuckled, then looked at the stars. They were bright tonight. So bright that they lit up the forest around them, keeping them safe from the monsters that might leark outside.


  "It sure is pretty." He cut him off


  "The stars."


  A moment of rare silence past between them, before Tubbo turned to Tommy.

  "Why did he do it."

  Tommy took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding to his friend. "He was fucked up."

  Tubbo shook his head. "I think he knew something."

  The taller blond looked at his friend. "What makes you say that."

  "You do know why he has those glasses on all the time."

  "Isn't it to look cool?"

  "Wh-why? No!" Tubbo huffed in annoyance. "If anything he looks lame."

  "Thats what I thought, but always to scared to tell him."

  "But anyways, its for a bigger reason." Tubbo said as he looked around. "He's an orcal."

  "WHAT!" Tommy jumped up from where he stood, but only to get a hand thrown over his mouth and pulled back down again.

  "Do you want to wake up the whole camp!" Tubbo harshly whispered, earning a slight sorry from the other. "I've only seen it once, but he made me promise never to tell a soul. He would get these horrible migraines from time to time, and would be locked in his room for days. But one time I went in there without knocking, and I saw them."

  "Tommy." Tubbo grabbed his arm. "They were pure white! Just like the stories!"

  "Impossible! There just stories! Those things don't really exist!"

  "Your father is practically a rapter and your brother is a walking boar, and your saying and oral cant exist!"

  "W-well..." Tommy huffed in defeat. "Phil's part of a beast clan." He mumbled.

  "That was supposed to be extent 30 years ago."


  "MY POINT IS!" Tubbo yelled over him. "I think he knew something bad was coming."

  "I wouldn't worry about it big man." Tommy said, standing up. "I'm telling you he was just a coward."

  He held out his hand to his friend, who after a moment, took it. He hoisted him to his feet and they started to walk back to the wall.

  "Your probly right, sorry."

  "Dont be." Tommy said as he ducked through the whole in the wall. "I'm just glad were both safe."

  "Yeah..." Tubbo said, wondering back into his thoughts. "Safe."

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