15. Bates Motel

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        "That's a beautiful thing. Most places leave a mint under the pillow. This one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occurred." Stiles retorted, letting out a angry sigh.

         "What if the room next door has the one about the couple?" Lydia wondered as all heads turned to her. Stiles rushed to the door, opening it and then quickly running down the hall. Shay, Lydia, and Allison were quick to follow behind.

        Out in the hallway, Stiles tried to open the door but it was locked from the inside. Lydia glanced at Shay, "That was not locked before."

        "Forget it, we need to find Scott, Isaac, and Boyd." Shay demanded, Stiles forgetting out the stupid door and walked ahead of her. But what stopped him was the sound of something mechanitcal being turned on.

        "I'm not the only one that heard that, right?" Lydia asked, her eyes bulging out of her sockets.

        Allison stayed calm, "It sounds like someone turned the handsaw on."

        Stiles reeled back, bewildered, "Handsaw?"

        Shay quickly reached out and grasped the door knob, jiggling it and twisting it. Surprising, the door whipped open. Standing on the other side of the room was Ethan, his shirt open and slowly, he was rising the handsaw towards his torso.

        "Ethan, no!"Stiles yelled as he ran over to Ethan, trying to pry the handsaw away. Shay quickly grabbed the plug to the handsaw and pulled it out of the wall. Stiles, along with the handsaw, tumbled down to the floor. Stiles was able to catch himself before his face collided with the sharp metal of the saw. Allison grabbed Stiles and pulled him away from the saw, watching Ethan cautiously.

        Ethan then grew out his claws and started to claw out his chest, screaming in pain and horror while doing so. Allison and Stiles grabbed his forearms and tried to extract his claws away from him. One thing led to another and Ethan fell to the ground, hissing in pain once his skin touched the burning hot heater.

        He looked up at all of his, his eyes confused and panicked, "What the hell happened?"

        After none of them answer, he quickly got up and bolted out of the room, the gang calling after him and following. The four teenagers followed Ethan down the stairs as he tried to button up his shirt, " I don't know how I got there or what I was doing."

        Shay clenched her fist, getting irritated and frustrated with the alpha. As Ethan started to walk back to his motel, Shay called after him, "Okay, you could be a little bit more helpful, you know? We did just save your life."

        Ethan turned around and suddenly, for a split second, his eyes soften at the young girl, "And you probably shouldn't have."

        With that, he turned around and kept walking away. Shay was tempted to run after him, demand he tell her what that meant but finding Scott was her main priority. This whole situation reminded Shay of Lydia's birthday party. Lydia, under Peter's control, drugged everyone with wolfs-pane by putting it into their drinks. It was one terrible night that Shay wished she could just forget.

        "What now?"

        Shay took an deep intake of breath, trying to calm herself down, "Allison and I will find Scott. You guys grab Boyd and Isaac. The best thing we can do for them is get them the hell out of here."

        Side by side, Allison and Shay walked back up the stairs, leaving Lydia and Stiles downstairs. The two girls walked down the hall until they came across Scott, Stiles, and Shay's room.

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