Germany rolled his eyes, although he agreed. Without America, things felt... dull, to say the least. Not to mention, it was also very important that he gave his reports! Food waste was a very important topic and only America could get his hands on the documents early.

Yes, it was because he needed the documents from Alfred. America. He needed the documents from America.

"Hey," Norway said, "I was looking back over this note. He says 'Likely the CIA'... why would the CIA be out to get their own nation?"

"He's registered," Iceland replied, "that Director of Personified Nation."

"Huh?" Zaltana's voice said, and they jumped and spun around. She was standing behind them with a plate of sandwiches. Canada was standing behind her, looking up at her, "Oh, you mean Samuel. He ain't no government worker. He's a fake so that the president doesn't know shit and y'all don't call the White House."

"What?" Germany asked, "So your government doesn't know you exist?"

"Um, no, the Russian government doesn't know I exist," she said, scratching her neck, "but I think y'all are counting me as an American so no, the American government also does not know I exist. Or Alfred. Just that the town exists, and it's completely off the grid from something they can track."

"But you have wifi- don't you?" Estonia asked, "Can't you get tracked by the American Government through that?"

"We're on a private network," she muttered, "it shouldn't have ever been able to break but I'm guessing it did. That's the only way. Nobody can just walk into the valley- the entire thing is rigged up with magic."

"Then how are we here?" Germany asked.


"How would they get in?"

She paused, "A rat. Someone would have had to let them in."

"Where's the entrance to the valley?" It was a very simple question, yet one that she had to fight herself to answer. She flicked her venom at the nearest wall, opening a portal to the other end of the valley.

Everyone walked through, slowly, looking around. They were in the forest, with a large mountain face in front of them. It completely flat up the cliff face, and on one side there was a dial, like one from an old rotary phone. Zaltana pointed to the wall.

"There's the entrance."

"Can you open the gate?" Germany asked, and she looked over to the dial. There was only the sound of it turning before the mountain opened- a tunnel sinking and growing into existence. It went all the way through the mountain and out the other side.

The only thing they could see at the end was the light on the other side. Otherwise it seemed to be about four or five miles worth of tunnel without any form of light.

"This is the only way in and out of the valley?" Finland asked, looking over to her. She nodded, glancing down it.

"Unless the CIA has magic," she shrugged, before looking around, "it only opens from the inside, so someone would have had to be opening it-"

The tunnel built back up, reforming with the cliff face.

"Again and again."

Many of the nations scowled, before going to look around.

"Look at this," Sweden said, kicking some branches. Germany walked over, bending down to see what he was looking at. They were tire tracks- parking and backing up.

"Military vehicle," Germany said, "they were prepared to do damage. I'm surprised they didn't use bombs."

"Well there are tear gas and smoke bombs in some areas but I get what you mean," Zaltana shrugged, looking over him, "but this isn't a hint. We already know they were here. We need to know where they went."

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