"Okay, I will forgive you but don't ever do that again. You should already know me now. I don't like these kinds of things. The simple it is, the more I like it. I'm not suited to those kinds of fancy things. You may say that I may, but for me, I'm not!! I'm not used to those things, and I will never be. So please promise me. Please try to do just those simple things for me. I will be happier if you do. Please." I looked him straight in the eye. He smiled at me and answered.

"Yes, I promise." He said to me

I don't know, but there is something in him that I feel like I can trust everything he says to me right now, as in everything. Now I can see what Puifai sees on this man. On why and how did she fall in love with this Tharn Kirigun even though he has this Casanova Image!!

He is a dream boy. It makes me question why doesn't he act like this to everyone. He will always act like he doesn't care about anything and everyone's feeling except for himself. He acts like a child who does not know or notice another thing except for himself. Why do you act that way, Tharn, and so different around me?

Why?? I don't understand. He is making me question everything now.



We are walking here at the seaside, thankfully the carnival that we are going to is very near the coast. It's renovated to become a bay walk. It's so beautiful here. It's pretty peaceful. Then we saw a simple restaurant beside the bay walk.

I pulled him to go there.

"Come on, let go!! I found someplace where we can eat." I said while I was holding his hand

"Where?" He asked confusedly

I didn't answer him and just kept walking.

"Here." I happily said

"Here? but it's too crowded here." He said. He looks like he can't be in this kind of place. Maybe because he is not used to this. Perhaps I'm selfish about this.

I don't know, but I feel sad. I like it here. but I forgot he is not used to places like this. so I tried to look for another restaurant, but he stopped me

"Okay, if you don't want here. We can still find some other place." I sadly said and started to walk away from this place

"No! I'm sorry, bii, I didn't mean to make you sad. Come on, let eat here." then he pulled me to find our seat. I can't help me to smile a little bit because of his action. My sad face affects him. I didn't mean to make him guilty or something.

We just ordered simple food like steak and a glass of wine. but I notice that he is not drinking at all

"You ordered a whole bottle of wine, but you are not drinking. Do you think I can finish all of this all by myself" I asked him while trying to slice my steak

"I can't drink." He said.

"and why is that. Come on. You can drink. I can't finish this." I said to him. I was about to pour him a glass of wine, but he stopped me

"I really can't, bii. I'm driving, remember. I will not forgive myself if something happens to you just because I've drunk some wine." He said to me while looking at me straight in the eyes.

OMG!! His words!! He's making me feel something again.

Lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub

Gosh! Here goes my heart again!

"Bii? Are you okay?? you're face is becoming red." He worriedly asked me. it made me snap out my thinking

Revenge to Mr. Casanovas heart: Operation (COMPLETED) MG FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now