Chapter 4

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Type POV

I was about to enter my room when my mom stopped me.

"Son, We can talk now." She smilingly said to me.

"Ahh, yes, mom. Come, let's talk inside my room." I answered her. I'm never nervous whenever we do this, maybe because we are always like this.

We sat on my bed, and I started telling her what had happened today. She was just listening to me carefully without uttering any words. When I was done, that is when she finally asked me something. She is always like this. She always listens to me first, like she wants to know everything on my part, then she will tell her side or her opinion.

"So, how did you reply?" She asked me

"Of course I declined, Mom!! I'm not that desperate to agree with that stupid rules. And looked at me, do you think I'll be able to seduce that Casanova?? NO!" I said to her

"Why Not!! Have you seen yourself?? Like, look. You are very much handsome, my child. Any man will be lucky to have you in their life." She said to me.

"Mom!! You don't need to flatter me, you know." I shyly said to her

"It's true-your very much gorgeous same as your brothers. Do you know how many women fantasize about being their girlfriend, but it seems that your brothers are so picky that they don't see anyone who is enough to be their partners. But seriously, son. Your pretty, your intelligent and most especially you are a good person. Always remember that. For that rules that you just said. I can't say what you should have to do about that. It's always up to you, but this is what I can advise you. Always remember, Don't make any decision when you are at the height of your emotions. Emotions clouds our judgments. Think about it first many times before deciding on anything. You have to be wise about anything. You know how much I trust you. I know you know what to do about everything. right??" She said to me

"Yes, mom. I will remember that. " I said to her.

"That's good to hear, son. Oh, It's already bedtime. you need to go to sleep already."

"Thanks, mom. I appreciate you listening to me."

"No problem, son, anytime. Anytime." She said to me, then left.


I was about to go to my bed when my phone suddenly rang.


Auntie Mai Calling. (Puifai Mother)

I answered it.

"Hello, Auntie."

"Type. Please help me. I don't know what to do anymore. Please come here." She sounded like she was crying, which got me so worried instantly.

"Auntie?? Why ?? What happened! Did something happen to Puifai?" I worriedly asked her.

"Yes!! Type. It's Puifai!! She attempted to kill herself. We are currently here at the hospital. They are now trying to suction all the pills she took. Please help me. I'm alone here. I didn't want to call her dad cause he was in Singapore for business. Please help me Type. I don't know whom I should call now. You're the only friend of my fai that I know. Please come here!! We're here at the hospital."

"Oh, God!! Yes, Auntie. I will be there. Please wait for me."

"Thank you, Type! I will wait for you. huhuhu"

Then I hung up. I immediately go to my brother Zee's room. I can't leave the house alone, especially at this hour. They will surely be angry at me. Even if I'm in a hurry now, I still can't ignore our house rules and my manners.

Revenge to Mr. Casanovas heart: Operation (COMPLETED) MG FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now