Chapter 54

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Type POV

It's been two days ever since I last saw Tharn. No one has any idea where he is. Even Saint and Lhong tried to find him but nothing. It's also been two days since I started to camp out of Tharn Condo Unit


I realized after what happen to the bar. I still can't give up on saying sorry and trying to talk to Tharn!! It's not just for me now. It's for my mom too. He needs to see her. He still doesn't know that my mom, I mean, his mom is in the hospital. He may not ever forgive me, but it can't be with his mom too. They need to be okay, especially after what happened to mom. I can't afford to see them be away from each other and to Tharn to continue to hate his mother without knowing the truth.

He has to know the Truth.

I stayed in Tharn condo unit every day after class; then I would go to the hospital when It was already around 9 pm - 10 pm. It's exhausting, but I don't have a choice. My body is getting weaker and weaker every day, but I choose to ignore it. I need to do this for Tharn and Mom. I need to do this before everything ends.

Thankfully Fiat volunteered that he would accompany my mom for the time being while I was waiting for Tharn. Fiat doesn't like this idea, especially after I told him everything. He said I was just hurting myself, and I had to accept the truth that Tharn would never listen and forgive me. He said that I already tried many times, but it's always useless.

But I told him.

"This is not useless Fiat, not until I die will I continue to try. I have nothing to lose here. I have to do this even though it may gain or be in vain. I need to do this. No matter what. I need to keep trying." I said, but he didn't get me. He doesn't know what to call me. " A PERSISTENT IN LOVE OR IDIOTIC IN LOVE"

I just smiled at him, but I feel that I'm starting to get tired both emotionally and physically.

I really hope all this effort of mine paid off.


I was just sitting here at Tharn's condo. Suddenly my phone rang.

I quickly check who it is.

It's Lhong. I immediately answered it. Maybe he knows already where is Tharn.

"Hello, Lhong? Do you now know where he is?" I excitedly asked him

"I'm sorry, Type, I still don't have any idea where he is. I am already asking his dad and brother, but they don't know too. We also tried finding him to place that we know he usually goes but negative. I'm sorry, Type!" Lhong sounding so sad, said to me

I feel disappointed, but I tried my best not to be obvious because I know how much effort does Lhong and Saint is giving just to help me find Tharn

"It's okay, Lhong. I'll just wait for him to come back." I said to him

"Okay. Wait. Don't tell me you're there in Tharn's condo again. TYPE STOP THAT!! You're going to exhaust yourself more. Have you seen yourself lately? You're so thin already, GOD Type!! Are you trying to kill yourself!" Lhong worriedly said to me

" I'm okay, Lhong. I still can wait for him here." I said to.

"But..." I didn't let him stop me

"Lhong, please just let me. You know I can only be at ease If I do this." I said to him

" You are stubborn. You're so matched with that Idiotic Tharn!! GOD!! Where the hell is he!! Does he have any idea what he is doing to you? GOD!! If I find him. I would smack him!!" He angrily said

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