Chapter 43

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Matias Point of View

Never had I thought I would see a day like this. I was usually a very cautious and backup my plans well.

This time though, I had no way to squeeze through. People say there is always a way where there is a will and I believed it.

But now, I find no possible way out of my situation. I am compelled to believe in impossible.

Looking at her sitting there, before me, like a stranger felt awkward. She was the person I've spent years with and genuinely like her company.

Did I love her? I loved what she gave me all these years.

Do I care for her? Maybe yes. Probably due to living with her for years, I do have a soft corner for her.

Although, what I really liked about her was her company. She was good to me all these years and was there for me through thick and thin. I appreciate that greatly.

Now that she has nothing but specs of cold and detachment in her eyes for me, I feel awkward.

In that moment, I felt her eyes saw me nothing more than an unpleasant stranger.

"I –" I cleared my throat and arranged the speech in mind in order. Minding my tone and behavior, I hesitated but still braved to talk.

"I want to – explain the situation to you." Finally, I uttered and sat silently expecting some kind of reply.

There were many times in all these past years that I felt inferior to my own wife. Although I'm a Prince of a state and she is a daughter of a Duke family, her family was much more potent than me making me resent her a little for having such control over me.

However, I endured it because I needed that authority that comes with her.

"It was a – mistake." I spoke getting no response from her. She just sat there like a hard rock looking at me coldly.

Why isn't she responding?

A shiver went down my spine when my eyes met her aloof one. I don't know if I would be able to gain at least a ten percent of her back.

"It was my mistake. I'm sorry. I – I, will you forgive me." I stuttered.

She stared down at me quietly and muttered a 'No' with a hard tone.


How am I to start the thing I wanted to talk about now?

"What should I do to gain your forgiveness? I'm will to lay my life if gives me your pardon. Tell me, honey, tell me anything and I would do it to atone my sins towards you." I said hurriedly, showing how desperate I am to gain her back into my life.

"Why did you lie to me when I asked about your son the other day?" I lost my mind.

I was trying to somehow trick you, how would I know you had a doctor's certificate on your infertility. I did not calculate my move properly.

"I didn't want to loose either of you so the only way to keep you beside me was to lie. I know what I did was despicable. I – I just want to keep you in my life; forever."

"You want me or you need me?" Her question stumped me. I went speechless when I heard those words from her.

Hearing her ask me that, I reminded myself again if what I am doing is right or not. I had my doubts on the idea Arse gave me.

I don't believe he wanted me to live happily with my wife genuinely. Somehow I find it like a trap and time and again Piero reminded me against Arsenio.

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