Chapter 13

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Arsenio Point of View

Having so much to deal with, all at the same time; it can make you feel tired after having endured it for a long time.

Regret, is such a funny concept!

It doesn't necessarily relate to any sad or embarrassing situations, a good news can be a regret too even in happy situations.

And right now, I regret knowing about the existence of my son, my heir. It would make the matters regarding my enemies much easier if I don't have anyone to care about. But now, the existence of my child can make matters otherwise.

Until now, taking slow and steady steps towards vengeance and justice for my parents assassination was much easier.

Easier when Valentina was out of my life and I was relieved she would not be a subject of their target whatsoever if I manage to keep the fire of hatred between us.

But Val is an adult and she is well in taking care of herself at least in some issues. Our son, on the other side, is vulnerable to the dangers and if his existence is out into the world, it is a done case.

Slow and steady cannot be the strategy anymore. The circumstances have to change and in a relatively faster mode.

"Luci, in my room. Now." Passing on my commands through the phone, I tapped my fingers on the table rhythmically.

Seconds later, Lucinda walked into the room casually and sat in visitor chair in front of me.

"What is the matter with you? You seem to be mindless from the past few days." She asked, reading the serious frown on my face.

"There is so much on my plate to deal with right now, Luci. So, do something for me." Lucinda nodded grimly when my frown deepened.

"Anything. Tell me what is on your mind? Is it about –"

"Yes but first tell me about the current status of holdings percentage in my basket." I asked.

She immediately took out her phone and scrolled down for a moment before giving me her reply. "About seventy three percent. We still have to get the hold on the two large establishments for a confirmed win. But these two foundations particularly have hard headed board members that are hard to deal with not to forget most of them are acquaintances with the mastermind of the assassination."

Two foundations?

Hard headed board member!

Possible acquaintances' with the enemy.

That was when the idea popped in my mind. Dealing with these foundations could not only arise suspension regarding my activities but also cause the mastermind's attention back to Valentina to get me under control which I cannot afford it.

"Majesty, do you want me to choose a right person to get into the lot of board member to manipulate them in our favor?" I smirked at her suggestion, giving her a thoughtful gaze.

"This time, we shouldn't get involved with board directly or indirectly, Luci. It can put us under focus at any point of time."

"I don't understand. Then how are we to acquire the complete hold of those two foundations?" She expressed confusedly as her attention over the current conversation elevated.

"Tell me Luci, why did I take the decision of faking an infidel affair two years ago?"

"Hmm, to protect Valentina."

"Right and do you think these past two years did good to Val and me?" I asked with a smile.

Luci gazed at me as if I lost my mind for asking her such questions but I only grinned at her as my mind is continuing its work of weaving a web to destroy the culprit once and for all.

An Italian's Conceited King (IRS Book 3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz