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"Were you not taught to watch where your going dweeb?"The bully said angrily
Liam gulped as he looked up shivering like a frail twig.
"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to bump into you. Please forgive me." Liam said while looking down avoiding eye contact with him.

The blonde boy scoffed as he looked at the helpless boy on his knees .
Liam groaned in pain as he was hold by the collar and thrown on the cold steel lockers hitting his head severally causing him to nose bleed. He bent down at him lifting his chin coming closer to his face with his dark lips pulled into an angry snarl...
"You better watch where your going before I break that neck. Imagine being the boy with no neck hahaha funny right? Stay out of my lane!" he said while leaving stepping on Liam's finger causing him to yelp.

Liam stood up dusting himself still processing what happened seconds ago. He gathered the little energy left in his body to walk to the washrooms to clean up the blood that stained his shirt. He slowly walked down the hall trying the steady his heartbeat.

I'm gonna die here....

Liam tried his very best to stop the nose bleed but to no avail.

"Need some help?"

Liam flinched slightly as he heard the voice.

iam looked up as the boy ducked his thick black locks and faced him.
"You know your only making it worse."
The boy lifted liam by the hips and sat him on the toilet counter.(idk what it's called)
"Here let me help you.Sit upright then lean forward. It will prevent the blood from going down your throat to prevent choking . You don't want to choke on your blood or do you?" The boy said softly chuckling.
He pinched Liam's nose as he leaned forward for about 15 minutes.

Liam just stared at the beautiful man Infront of him as he helped him with his nose.

"Done"the boy said admiring his work .
" What happened anyway how did you end up like this?"

The voice of the boy brought Liam from his thoughts.


"What happened to you? He said while getting in between his legs holding his thigh.

Liam blushed like crazy looking down at his large veiny hands gripping his thigh as he looked back up looking away trying to avoid eye contact.

"I think I remember you! You fell today and I helped you up your feet right?"

"Great you just had to bring back one of my most embarrassing moments falling Infront of a cute guy!" Liam immediately closed his mouth realising what he just said.

"Your cute too." The boy said smirking. Their faces dangerously close.

Liam face turned a even brighterk shade of pink like a spring rose the blooming colour perfect for his freckled skin.

The boy chuckled softly as he got away from Liam sensing his uncomfortableness.

"Am Christian ."


"Oh cute name just like the owner. It was nice to meet you again! See you around Liam." Christian said as he left the washrooms.

"What the hell just happened? You are straight Liam you can't act like that Infront of a boy!" Liam sighed as he face palmed himself.

Liam got down from the counter washed his face one more time before walking back to the cafeteria. His mind still racing as the thoughts of what happened earlier flooded back to his mind.

I don't share what's mine!! {B×B}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin