
702 13 3

"Please no!"
"Shut up nerd,the pain is probably gonna fade away...now stay still so that we can get this shit done with already!"the weired looking guy said with fury.
"Fuck..will you quit crying like a baby we have not even started yet!Such a loser!"
"Aaaaaaaaaah..."i let out a sharp groan as tears welled up my eyes.

"Liam wake up!!It's just a dream.what were you dreaming about you were shouting!"

"I woke up because you were screaming so loudly!"

"And what were thinking sleeping in the kitchen counter." My mom asked with a confused face.

"They were cutting off my toe!"I said sobbing .
I felt soft warm arms wrapping around me.I felt safe.

"Shh- no no no love your safe now.I told you its not true son its just your imagination. Now stop thinking about that and get some rest."

"I don't want to sleep again.What if I dream about it again?"

"Calm down Liam.Here let me make you a warm glass of milk to calm your nerves.And stop thinking about that it's not true okay!"


"Here drink this then go back to sleep.oh and sleep in your bed please ."she said giggling.
Making me feel at ease.



Ah,why is it so bright. Moooom!close the blinds please.I whined as I covered my eyes from the direct sunlight.
"It's afternoon son, wake up already." She said giggling.
"Freshen up and come down for pizza."
I nodded as she went out.
Well Liam its time to wake yo ass up now!I told myself as I got off the covers.

*time skip*
" you better start packing Liam.ill be going to the grocery story to pick up some few things."
I hummed as I dragged myself to my room to start packing.
Just the thought of it made my tummy churn.
Ok Liam let's get this done with.
I took a suitcase from my closet and started packing the necessary things I needed.
I finished quite fast and decided to sleep my worries away.

*Time skip again😅*
* the next day*

"Liam Sawyer,16 years,1.73m,132 pounds, excellent grades,lives with mother in Seoul. "She paused peering at me over her glasses.
"Is that correct?"
I nodded stiffly
She continued "No talent,doesn't participate in any sport"
She looked at me again for approval.
"Yes"I said in an almost scared voice .Her glare was deadly...I felt like running away from that place.
"You will be in dorm number 42, here are the keys to the dorm.
Your first class will start the next day meanwhile go to your dorm as I talk to your guardian."

As I rolled my suitcase down the white halls, I glanced back and forth with a timid shake.My eyes fell on the students nearby they all seemed huge and bulky and some with tatoos .I felt like a chick being thrown in the middle of vultures.
I clutched my fingertips tighter on my suitcase handle as I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.I walked as fast as my thin legs could carry me so as to reach the dorm faster.
The dorms were pretty far which didn't do me any good since the glares were getting intense.
I turned in a different hallway and finally reach the building with dorms in it. Some of the students were standing outside the dorms either chatting or looking at dirty magazines.
Compared to all the boys here who were bulky and muscular I was small thin and adorable.
I finally found the dorm and slowly reached towards to open the door. I held my breath as I opened my door
The breath escaped in relief when no one was there.
I noticed two beds and some items across the room suggesting a roommate.
I quickly placed my suitcase on the bed which seemed vacant and started going back to the office . I got out of the dorm with the cold stares still glaring at me.
Was no one friendly here?
Dont show them your weak ! I kept reminding myself that. But i failed me.
There was this certain stare that sent chills down my spine.
I was busy running thoughts in my mind that I didn't notice the huge stone infront of me and I tripped , right infront of him.
Great Liam now you made a total fool out of yourself on your first day.
The boy quickly stepped towards me, reaching out his hand to help me up. As I accepted , I couldn't help but notice the hard callouses on his hands and the blue dreamy eyes.
Wtf Liam why on earth would you think a boy...a fellow boy has blue dreamy eyes!
I mumbled a quick thank You as I began to walk away a slight limp in my step not even giving the stranger a chance to talk.
"Liam dear isn't this school amazing!"my mom said as she leaned forward and placed a manicured hand on my shoulder.
Amazing!! It felt like prison there was nothing amazing about this place.
I wanted to scream to the top of my lungs but i couldn't I just couldn't.
I hummed and gave her a fake smile.
I had to look at the good side of every situation . And consider my mom too .
I decided to take the bull by its horn and receive whatever came my way.

"Everything is set mrs Sawyer. Liam is part of us now. Be rest assured that your son is in good and safe hands."the old lady said with a fake smile plastered in her wrinkled face.

" let me send for one of the students to give your son a tour around the school. You can't wait in the lounge Liam."
"Dont worry baby, this school is nice you will love it. I promise to come visit you when I get a leave .I'll keep contact with you okay?!."
I nodded as I figured back my tears.
I gave my mum a tight hug and she left.
I remained at the lounge face palmed waiting for the student who was supposed to give me a tour around the school.
I felt a faint tap in my shoulder that aroused me from my thoughts.

"Hey new student right? Am Leo!"
He said as he streched his hand for me to shake

Wow! This is not what I expected.i expected a huge and bulky boy. But Leo was the opposite he was small thin and had these hazel nut big doe eyes, and dark wavy hair that covered his forehead,cute pouty lips and a tan skin he was just like me. I mean not in details but the body size part. For once I didn't feel like the odd one out.
I was too engrossed in my thoughts
That I didn't realise I was staring at him , ignoring the hand he was expecting me to shake.

"I know am gorgeous, you can stop staring now."he said with a slight giggle.
You did it again Liam made a fool out of yourself. I face palmed myself hiding the red shade that was forming on my cheeks.
I was dying of embarrassment.
I didn't even notice that I said my thoughts out loud.
"Hahahahahaa....I have a feeling that am going to enjoy spending time with you!"
Shit!now leo thinks am a weirdo
"Haha yeah,"I giggled nervously
Am Liam, Liam Sawyer. I said trying to easen the tension .
"Huh!cute name and preety face...Your a charmer."he said as he flashed a signature at me.
I would lie if I said I didn't blush. My legs felt like jelly. What was happening to me?
I mumbled a quick thank you as I looked away.
Can we get to the tour now?I said as I scratched the nape of my neck nervously.
He let out a short but intimidating laugh making me wanna sink in the ground.

"Yeah sure follow me."

He said smiling.

Hey there lovies 💜💜💜.just finished another chapter sorry if it's crap I will try my best next time please dont forget to leave a like and a comment.thank you💜💜💜💜💜💜💜have a nice day💜💜💜💜💜💜







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