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Liam pov

I woke up feeling worse than before. I had a pretty bad headache and my eyes were swollen from all the crying. I forced myself to sit up as I got out from the covers. I glanced on my roommates side, he already woke up. He bed was neatly kept and his side really organised I assumed he already left because the room was too quiet.

I dragged myself to the bathroom to get a shower and get ready for my first day. I struggled to open my swollen eyes but that made it worse.As I struggled to walk with my eyes closed I stabbed my foot on my roommates bed making me stumble forward as I let out a loud earpiercing scream. I waited to feel the impact of the cold floor but I didn't . Surprisingly the floor smelt like apples today. I suddenly felt strong arms wrapped around my waist so tightly. The floor was toned too . It had some strong biceps too. My hands couldn't help but feel 'em abs. It then dawned to me, that was no floor. It was my roommate, I was in his arms. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up his ornyx eyes were already in mine staring at me in disbelief.He let go off me and I fell on the ground with a loud thud.

I huffed and stood up and locked myself in the bathroom embarrassed. I can't believe I touched his abs now he must thinks I am a disgusting fag slut.

Why did I even touch him? Stupid , idiot. I said as I slapped myself severally on the face knowing I'll regret it later.All that was interrupted when I heard a loud continuous knock from the main door. I wrapped a towel around my tiny waist and went to see who was at the door.Turned out my roommate was already gone a sigh of relief escaped my plumpy lips as I opened the door  and found a smiling Leo and asher well asher wasn't smiling. I can't understand the kid 

" Well good morning sleepy head! Ready for your first day? " Leo said excitedly.
I wish I had his energy . After everything that happened since I got here I honestly just want to bury myself in my covers and sleep till school is over.

"Hello ! Earth to Liam! Are you with me?" Leo asks as he waves his hands Infront of me. " Dress up we've got 10 minutes remaining for the first lesson to begin and trust me you wouldn't want to make a bad first impression. The uniform is in the top cabinet, hurry up"

I slowly made my way over to the cabinet , grabbed the clothes and put them on . They were a little baggy because of my small frame but what could I do?

I grabbed my bag which had some few books that I had to put in my locker and rushed out.

"What took you so long?" Asher said rolling his eyes.

"What's up with you grumpy grandpa." 

"Who you calling a grandpa ,grandma?"

"Stfu both of you we have four minutes remaining we have to get going. " Leo dragged the two of us and run past the hallway out of the block towards the class rooms.

No one's pov→(° ۝ °)┗
The trio arrived arrived in class two minutes late and found ms puff by the door her wrinkled face pissed as always .

" Here we go again!" Leo said rolling his eyes.

" One day your eyeballs are gonna get tired of you rolling them and pop out." Leo said while demonstrating not caring about ms puff by the door.

"Ms puff. She was short and plumpy . Fat flabby legs and arms that wobbled when she walked , her fashion sense disastrous. " Leo described the teacher vividly.

She did look like her name tho. She wrinkled up her nose in distate boring holes on their foreheads as they slowly walked towards her.

"I expected much from you Asher, Leo ...not that much and the new student what a great way to start your first day at school huh! Any good reason why y'all late? "

"Uhm...I got lost while looking for my first class and they found me and directed me." I blurted out hoping she'd believe me.

"Lame excuses. Next time imma kick y'all out of my class." She said as she got in the class. " Sit down parasites and the newbie introduce yourself."

Liam froze where he stood and looked at ms puff with begging eyes, sighed and stood Infront of the class to introduce himself. All the eyes were on him making him nervous. He scanned the room while thinking of words to say.

Liam's pov ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)
One of the things am not good at introducing myself the last time I did that I referred my self to being a penguin . People make me nervous . A class of 60 teenagers, hot af teenagers and all of them looking at you . For an attention seeker that would be their dream. But for an introvert like me, that was torture.
Everyone was staring waiting for the new kid to introduce himself. 
My thoughts were interrupted my a angry ms puff who was wondering what was taking me too long to introduce myself.

" Uhhmm.. am Liam. Liam saywer 16 years old nice to meet you guys." I said softly as my lips creased into a faint smile hoping ms puff will let me sit down and not bother me anymore.

Luckily, she let me sit I went and sat at the Back of the class. The rest of the  lesson was boring and ms puff couldn't stop pickin on me. I started zoning out as I looked towards the right and saw them.
 The dark green eyes were looking right back at me, his lips forming a smirk and boy isn't his smirk hot!
I looked away quickly before it got any hotter . I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the Bell for lunch had gone.

" Bro you ok?" Leo said snapping his fingers "This is the second time you zoned out what gives?" Leo asked his face showing genuine concern.

" Nothing let's go get lunch." I said standing up not wanting to get this conversation any further.

" Go ahead I'll meet you there I need to go to the washroom first." I told Leo as I packed my books.

" Ok . Hurry up." Leo said walking away.

After packing my books I headed to the my locker to place them and pick others for the next lesson, when I felt a faint tap on my shoulder. I froze and slowly turned around to see who that was.
The porcelain skin, and blue eyes looked familiar.



What's up guys😁
How ya'll doing✨✋🏼
Just finished another chapter , I've never taken this long just to write a single chapter😂💔. This is the laziest I've been I mean if there was an award for the laziest author alive I'd sure win it😂😂✋🏼.
Please forgive me tho I'll try my best to update everyday.
Please vote it really motivated ik people usually forget to vote it's Normal I still love all of you

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