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"Where are we going?" I say as he grabs my hand and we run through the college corridors. His laughter fills the halls as he replies, "You'll find out, Miss Parker."

We stop running, and my head is pounding and I can barely breathe."How-can-you-run-so-FAST?" I exclaim, as I lean against the front garden fence."Been practicing for 900 hundred years, Lilian," he says, standing outside of my door. With my breath back, I ask, "How do you know where I live?"

"I'm the Doctor Lilian, I know everything," he replied, winking. When I got my breath back, I got my keys out of my bag and walked over to the door. But before I could put my key in the lock, I heard a buzzing sound and the door swung open. "That's illegal, you know, breaking and entering," I remarked, walking through the door. "Actually Lilian, it's unlocking and entering, nothing wrong with that," he replied, closing the door behind him.

As we were walking up the stairs we passed my brother Tom. " 'ello Lilian," he smiled, giving me a hug. "Who are you, then?" he continued, staring at the Doctor. "And what's with the bowtie?" he remarked, looking at bright red bowtie he was wearing. "Bowties are cool, Thomas," he replied. For a minute, Tom looked confused, and started stammering. "Who-what-how-huh?" The Doctor laughed and opened his mouth to speak. "He knows everything," I say before he can get his words out. "Actually, Lilian, I read that little blue book on your desk and-" before he could finish speaking, I pinned him up against the wall (which, admittedly, was quite hard, as he was six foot and I was five and a half) and screamed in his face. "You WHAT? Doctor, that is MY OWN PERSONAL DIARY! Don't you understand how RUDE it is to look at other people's stuff, huh, Bowtie?" He wriggled and stared helplessly at Tom, who just shrugged and ran downstairs. "Ummm, Lilian, i'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" I backed away from him slightly and sighed. "I'm sorry, Doctor, it's just i've been really possessive over my stuff, living in a house with three boys and all." I hung my head and he came up to my side. "It's better than being alone," he whispered. I turned around to look up at him. "Sorry, I didn't realise," I murmured, looking into his eyes. "It's okay," he whispers back. Then he blinks as if the moment hadn't happened. "Right then, Lilian Parker, are you going to show me your room?" he asks, walking up the rest of the stairs. "Why do you want to see my room?" I ask, confused. Tapping his nose he winks and grabs my hand again. "Oh, alright then," I reply and lead him to my room. His hair's all windswept from running back from college, and I stop in front of the door, and look at it. "You look so cute with ruffled hair," I say without thinking, and catch his gaze. "You have beautiful eyes," he whispers, meeting my gaze, and then realises." Did I just say that out loud? Errr, lets go shall we he?" He rushes, going slightly pink. "Are you blushing?" I giggle, and walk into my room. My smile freezes on my face when I see the blue object in the middle of my bedroom. "What-is-THAT?" I stammer. He walks through the door, opens the door to the box and says, "Welcome to my TARDIS."

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