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"Welcome to my TARDIS," He said, and opened the door to the 50's police box. I couldn't believe my eyes. While I was stood there marvelling, the Doctor was walking around a console sort of thing, turning dials and pushing buttons. He came up to me and poked my head slightly. "Well?" he said, making me jump. I rubbed my eyes, swallowed, and whispered, "'s bigger on the inside." 

Once i'd got over the whole "why's it so damn big on the inside what the heck" bit, I came closer to the console. The panels were so quirky, almost alien. There were tonnes of lights flashing, and a big lever. I thought about pulling it, but if I did, i'd probably break it. Or kill someone. "What's that green whirry thing in the middle? I asked, pointing at the green tube in the middle of the console. 

"That's a time rotor. It means I can go anywhere and anytime I want ever. I can go all over space, even out of it- DON'T ask how," He paused as I went to argue, "I can go back in time, forward in time and even change time," explained the man in the tweed. "One more thing," He looked up again as I went to speak. "Why the tweed?" I remarked, looking at the dark brown suit he was wearing. Dusting it off slightly, he straightened his bowtie and replied, "Leadworth General Hospital. Some poor person is going round with no clothes on. Still, I don't quite think I quite suited pinstripe. I think it's very fashionable. And cool." He smiled. I said nothing, but just laughed as he went down underneath the console. "Ancient Greece," He spoke to himself, "Now why does that ring a bell? Hmm.." I followed him down the steps, to see him sat on a harness, suspended from who knows where, wearing a pair of funny googles.

"OH!" I exclaimed in realisation, scaring the Doctor half to death, so much he almost fell into the darkness below. "When we met, and you crashed into my backgarden, blew up my cherub and drank my tea, you said I could come away with you, the mad man in a blue box." Tears started to form in my eyes. "But you didn't. You didn't come back the next morning. They said I was crazy, stupid, childish. That I was dreaming!  I'd almost forgotten! But now you're back here, in my room, in a spaceship that's big and small, AT THE SAME TIME! " I exclaimed, now racked with silly sobs.

I heard feet hit the floor with a thud, and a voice. "Hey, Lilian. I'm so so sorry, I did mean to come back the next morning. I thought you were amazing. Anyway, I love Greece!" He finished happily. I looked up at him. 

"I know that. I believed you'd come back someday, with your silly bowtie and your green buzzy screwdriver thing- sonic screwdriver," I murmured, looking into his deep green eyes. 

"Come here," He smiled, hugging me, still on his knees. "Alright then, Miss Parker, up you get!" He said, pulling me up with him. "Take those goggles off, I can't take you seriously," I giggled, looking at the funny looking contraption on his head. "Really?" He asked jokingly. "I thought I might start a new trend with these awesome goggles! Anyway...I've got something to ask you, Lilian. Will you come away with me? We can see everything, do everything, save worlds other than this one, and just have fun. What do you think?" He finished, his eyes lighting up. 

Oh. My. God.

A smile slowly spread across my face. It was like there was fireworks going off inside me. I ran up to him, wrapped my arms around the funny, amazing, burgundy bowtie-wearing man and exclaimed, "Yes! Yes!" He let out a loud "Woohoo!!" And held me tight back and rocked me side to side, his laughs echoing around the whole room.

He pulled away and threw open the door. He clapped his hands, smiled a huge grin, and said, "Who's telling the family then?"

Yay! Finally! Don't forget to:




If you enjoyed it :) 

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