
946 21 2

1st September 2002

Lilian's POV

CRASH! I was awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of something crashing into my garden. I slipped out of bed, opened the curtains and threw open the window. In the darkness,  I could just make out a rectangular shape lying in what was once our garden shed. I pushed my auburn windswept hair out of my face and pulled the window closed. I rushed over to my chest of drawers, grabbed my glasses and carefully opened my bedroom door. I crept down the pitch-black hallway towards the stairs. I grabbed the banister and quickly but silently made my way down the stairs. I walked down the corridor and carefully made my way to the kitchen. Stopping at the back door, I pushed the beaded curtain aside, put on my old comfy slippers and turned the back door key in the lock. I stepped cautiously out onto the patio. Hiding behind the garden table, I watched as a figure emerged from the rectangular object which was buried in broken planks of wood. They pulled a buzzing and glowing object out of their jacket pocket, and scanned the wreckage. It made a clicking sound and the figure slipped it back in their pocket, murmuring to themselves. I shivered in the cold as they walked around my back garden. All of a sudden, the sound of sneezing filled the garden as I desperately tried to cover it up. The figure, who I was now guessing was a man, looked in my direction and made his way over the wet grass. I frantically searched around for and escape route, but my efforts were in vain as I heard quick footfall grow nearer and nearer towards me, making their way over the stone patio towards my trapped self. The person stopped right next to me, leaned over...

"Hello there, who are you?"  a perky voice asked. I slowly stood up and replied, "I could ask you the same thing! You scared the life out of me!" Looking quite guilty, he ran his hands through his messy dark hair and said, "I'm so sorry if I scared you, but it seems as if i've crash landed into your garden!"

"What? Crash landed? From where?" I replied,  totally confused. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as the man looked lost in thought. "Would you happen to have any tea, errr..."

"Lilian, Lilian Parker," I finished his sentence. "And why would I let you have any of my tea?" I say, looking at him questioningly. "Apart from the fact i've just crash landed in your garden and I probably won't be able to fix this until the morning," he replied, waving his hands at the pile of shed at the end of the garden. "And not to mention, it's bloody cold out here!" He finishes, wrapping his arms around himself. "Fine then, come in. But be quiet, my mum's asleep, seeing as it's midnight," I say, walking towards the back door. "But you're going to have to tell me everything!" I say over my shoulder, before pushing open the door. To my despair, it didn't move. "I could've sworn I unlocked that door!" I exclaim as I try my best to push it open, but failed. "I can sort that for you, Miss Parker," he says. He pulled the glowing screwdriver-like thing out of his pocket and pointed it at the door handle. There was a buzzing sound and the door swung open. "What's that?" I asked curiously, pointing at the metal thing in his hand which was glowing green. "This, Miss Parker, is my sonic screwdriver. Can we go in? I'm getting a bit cold out here!" He responds. I let him step into the tiny kitchen first, and I followed, closing the door behind me. He was waving the sonic screwdriver around the kitchen, slowly walking around in circles. "What are you doing, umm..." I say, seeing as he still hasn't told me his name. "It's the Doctor, Just the Doctor," he says, still walking in circles. "Well, Doctor, can you stop waving that thing around the kitchen? It's kinda, you know, odd," I say, getting mugs out of the cupboard. "Just making sure I didn't pollute your house with space dust," He says, as if that's a totally normal thing to do at one in the morning. "What do you mean, space dust?" I ask, pouring the water into the mugs. "Now, if you've finish waving that thing around in here, can we go to the lounge?" He pushes a button and the screwdriver clicks shut. "Yep, seems fine in here," he responds, putting it back in his tweed blazer.

We sit down on the sofa, cupping the mugs in our hands, and I begin to question him. "Could you please explain what you're doing here?" He runs his hand through his messy dark hair again. "Well, I was coming back from Ancient Egypt and the TARDIS decided it wanted to stop here," He says, leaving me totally baffled. Seeing the look on my face, he says, "This is going to take a lot of explaining. Well, Lily, i'm what they call the last Time Lord, from the planet Galifrey, which was destroyed a long time ago. I have this really cool blue box called the TARDIS that can take me anywhere I want in time and space," he explains. "But I don't like being alone. That's why I have had many companions. doesn't always end well." He finishes, shoulders hunched slightly. "Anyway!" He exclaims, throwing his head up, messing his hair up to the point of no return. "What's the story with you?" I look down at my mug, steam blowing in my face and say, "Long story short, my dad was a recurring alcoholic, mum got fed up, he left when I was five and now it's just me and my mum. I love history, and music. I love pretty much any rock music, people call me weird because of it. I particularly love the Ancient Greeks and their plays. Yep, i'm very weird." I finish, surprised that i've just told this mysterious man everything. But for some reason, it felt right. "Seems like you've had a very hard life." he replies, "But your very brave. A random man falls out of the sky in a blue box, opens your door with a glowing screwdriver and asks for a cup of tea, and you're not bothered at all!" He finishes laughing. "Well," I said, "There is this one thing i'm scared of. My nan bought me this china cherub before she died, and I have it in my room. It just sits there every night, watching me. If I close my eyes for a moment, it's there in my head, teeth bared, eyes wide open." He looks at me curiously. "But my mum doesn't believe me," I sighed. "I could have a look at that Lilian, just show me where your room is, and i'll check it out," He replies, gulping down the last his tea. "Come on then," I say, standing up.

"It's in the corner, over there," I tell him, opening my door and letting him walk in. He walks around my room with the sonic screwdriver again, looking at all the pictures of Greek gods on my walls. He comes to the corner, and stops suddenly at the cherub statue."Very odd, very very odd." He says to himself, and then turns to me. "Has it ever moved?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't know. I don't really like to look at it." I reply, walking over to stand next to him. "This is very dangerous, Lily. You must get rid of it, you understand me?"

"What, you mean like, take to a charity shop or something?" I ask, walking over to pick it up.

"No Lilian. It has to be destroyed. Completely. Before the rest come." He says, deep in thought. "They took the Ponds. They will take no one else," he says to himself. "Who are the Ponds? And the rest? What do you mean 'the rest'?" I panic, going to throw it on the floor. "Stop!" He yells, just before I drop it. "Give it here," he continues. I hand it to him, and he points the screwdriver at it, and it just explodes, shattering into a million pieces. I just stand there, completely shocked. "How on earth am I mean to clean THAT up?" I ask, annoyed. Before I even finish this sentence, all the pieces disappear, which completely baffles me. "They're all in space somewhere now. Probably in a black hole," he answers my unvoiced question. He looks at his wrist, and exclaims, "Look at the time! You must be very tired, Miss Parker!" he says, slipping the screwdriver back into his blazer pocket. "Mmm," I reply, getting under my duvet. He walks up to me and says, "Goodnight Lily. Don't forget the glasses!" He says, taking my glasses of off my face and putting them on my bedside table. "Goodbye Doctor," I reply watching him go. "Hey Doctor?" He stops and turns around. "Yes Lilian?" I rub my eyes and say, "You're a time traveller, right? Could you take me to go and see the Ancient Greeks?" He smiles at me and replies, "Sure! How's tommorow for you?" Looking in his diary. "Cool," I say smiling.

"Be ready," He says, grinning at me. He slips out of my room, and I drift off to sleep, just as I hear the whooshing and buzzing of him leaving. "See you tommorow Doctor,"I whisper, before closing my eyes.

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