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"Hmm, you're the mad man my mum and my brother have never met taking me away into time and space and not coming back for a few decades, so...." I trailed off. He looked at me blankly. Both of us, you ninny!" A smile spread across his face and he started laughing. "What?" I asked frustratedly. 

"The word you said. Ninny. I never thought anyone your age would say it. Hmm...ninny. Sounds cool. Very funny when you say it, if you don't mind me pointing out. Should say it more often though, Miss Parker. So much better than swearing. You don't swear often, do you Lilian?" He said in rush, as if he struggled to get all his thoughts out at once. A bit like me. "Oh me?" I answered. "Er no, no way never. Not me... I think it's horrible, I hate it...not people that swear...a lot of my friends do..." I trailed off, turning bright red. He walked up to me, looked straight into my eyes, and whispered, "Liar."

"Now you've got to be normal in front of my parents, Doctor, because they're very protective, and I mean VERY protective. Say NOTHING about weird aliens that could probably kill me or the fact that we're going into space. All you're going to be is a friend whose taking me travelling around the world, okay?" I told the Doctor as we made our way downstairs. "Oh sure, Miss Parker. Trust me. I'm very good at keeping quiet and lying and that sort of thing," he reassured me. "Oh, and Lilian?" he asked as we walked into the room. "What?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Watch out for that ba-" he started to warn me before I tripped over the washing basket and hit my face on the floor. "Shit!" I exclaimed, dusting my clothes off and making sure I hadn't broken my nose. "I knew you were lying," he laughed, taking a sock off of my shoulder. Just then, my brother walked in, and saw the Doctor and me about an inch apart. I saw him and sprang backwards. "Err, this isn't what it looks like Tom, honestly. He was taking a sock off of my shoulder. We weren't, err.." I trailed off, my cheeks warm. "Sure..." Tom remarked suspiciously, staring at the Doctor as he walked out the back door. I cleared my throat and said "Tea?" He nodded and I went out to the kitchen, where my mum was. "Who were you with upstairs?" she asked me curiously as I flicked on the kettle. "Oh, nothing to worry about, Mrs.." he glanced at me, and I mouthed "Waters" before he refocused attention on my mum. "Mrs Waters. I'm just a...friend of Lilian's. I'm perfectly normal, don't have to worry about me, i'm just a completely harmless timelord, nice to meet you!" He held out his hand, beaming at my mother. "Doctor!" I exclaimed angrily at the timelord, and he just replied with "Rule One. The Doctor lies."

Me, my mum and the Doctor were sat in the lounge with a cup of tea. I was still slightly annoyed at the Doctor. I kept giving him evil looks, which he just returned with a wink. His flirting was infuriating.  

"So Doctor, who on earth are you and what did you want to do with my daughter? Is it safe? What's a timelord? Where are you from?" My mum quizzed him. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, trying (and failing) to get a word in edgeways. I just laughed. "Told you"  I mouthed, rolling my eyes. 

"Errr, well, i'm from a planet very far away, and it doesn't exist anymore because it was blown up somehow..." he lowers his voice, obviously feeling slightly guilty for some reason. "A timelord is pretty much in the name Mrs Waters, your daughter is definitely safe with me, your daughter told me how much she loved the Ancient Greeks, so I said i'd take her there. Is that alright with you, Annabelle?" He took a deep breath and gave my mum another of his childlike grins.

"What? How? Lilian? How does this man know my name?" My mum asked, looking very confused. I sighed and said "He read my diary mum. Don't say anything about it, we've sorted that out, haven't we Doctor?" I shot him a look and he nodded and fidgeted a little, clearly remembering very well what  I'd done. "So, Mrs Waters. I'm asking your permission to take your daughter away with me in my spaceship. You can even have a look if you want. It's perfectly safe, and I'll protect her with my life. She's special," He looked straight into my mum's eyes and said all this to her in a more...mature voice than usual. I stared at my mum, pleading her silently with my eyes. "Well.." My mum started, "If this young man here, the Doctor..." The Doctor winked at me, we knew how old he really was, "Promises to look after my only daughter, and makes sure she doesn't get hurt and brings her home safe..I'm sure I could let you. I'm trusting you, Doctor," Him and I looked at eachother for a moment, then he ran up to me, picking me up and spinning me around, both of us laughing. "Thankyou Annabelle, I won't let you down!" He exclaimed at my mum, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye mum, I love you so much, I'm going to miss you loads!" I said to her, hugging her tightly before running back over to the Doctor.

"I'll miss you too," She replied, smiling.

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