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Six Years Later

Doctor POV

"Intriguing, Priminister Thatcher," I said through a mouthful of scone. I was sat in Magaret Thatcher's office and we were having tea, when I got an odd feeling inside me. Like I was meant to be somewhere.


Rising up out of my chair, I gabbled, "Excuse me ma'am, the tea was delicious, but I really have to be somewhere," I opened the door to the TARDIS, turned around and said, "Good luck with the Cold War Priminister Thatcher ma'am, we won," I finished before closing the door and running to the control panel. I turned a few dials, pushed a few buttons and pulled the lever. I grabbed on as my blue box sped through time and space to Miss Parker.

Lilian's POV

"Here goes," I murmured as I clutched my History books to my chest and walked into the classroom. My curly auburn hair fell loose all the way down my back, swinging as I walked in my old blue Toms. I wore a Beatles shirt cut off halfway down my chest, shorts and tights and a blue polka dot bandanna tied into my hair. My fringe fell over my face as I sat down at a desk at the back of the room. 

"Right class!" a recognisable voice announced as walked over the the desk at the front of the room. "Today we are doing the Ancient Greeks!" Something i'm going to be good at, that sounds good. I smiled slightly behind my hair, when the voice said my name. "You should be quite good at this, Miss Parker!" he finished. I raised my head.

"Huh...YOU!" I shouted as everyone turned round to stare at me (those who weren't already anyway).

"Uhh...sorry, um, sir," I stammered, calming myself down. Everyone stared back at him as the lesson started. "This is going to be a long hour," I murmured.

The bell rang and everyone crowded out of the room. I stayed behind. Taking him completely by surprise, I rose up out of my chair and strode towards him. I clenched my hands into fists and ranted "What year do you call this, Doctor? What?" I shouted. He opened his mouth to speak. "No! I'm not finished yet! Six years you made me wait, Tweed!" I continued, taking another step each syllable. I reached the desk, threw my hands down onto it and looked down to him. He rose up from his chair and tried to reply. "Well, you know how it is...time travelling and all, saving the know..." he trailed off uselessly. I slapped him on his pale cheek and looked into his eyes. "Do this to me again, and I won't come, you understand?" I said, my Bolton accent exaggerating each word. He rubbed his red cheek and blinked. Sighing, I climbed over the table and hugged the 900 hundred year old time traveller with all the energy in my body. After a second, he hugged me back. "I've missed you Lilian Parker," he whispered into my ear. I pulled away and looked at him at arms length.

"I've missed you too, Bowtie."

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