Chapter 8 - Wolfish

Start from the beginning

"Wha- But daaad, I don't feel like it!"

"You will not go up to your room, I will personally drag you out of it if you do."

I growled quietly, but gave up the small fight. Dad could be kind of hard sometimes, but only when it was for someone else's wellbeing. I suppose I was glad the he care so much for me but in that moment I just felt annoyed. I left without saying something and went out the backdoor, mainly to avoid the front of the house. Our small garden was surrounded with a high wooden fence with a gate in the far right end. I went out the gate which lead to a small path between our neighboor's house's fences. The path then lead out right to the forest, where I stepped out of my sweaters and took of my shirt. 

The shift was a pretty easy by now, but I still thought it was uncomfortable. The usual age for werewolf's first shift was around 9-10 years old, but I had my shift at 11, which was probaly because I was so small when I was younger. I hurt pretty much the first time, but got better when you practised often. I didn't shift that much in the beginning since it hurt so much but now, when i I had gotten a bit older I was used to the change.

I felt my senses grow more intense and my hearing, eyesight and my sense of smell was suddenly a 100 times better. I felt the change of the wind far away and the smell of autumn leaves and pinecones. My legs started moving and I sat of in a sprint to get out of the possible eyesight where I was. The glade that I had changed in was pretty concealed from other people, but you could never be too safe. 

The wind brushed my blonde fur when I ran and the dirt flew backwards when I pushed my paws in it to go faster. My wolfshape was pretty small, more like a big dog than an actual werewolf and I got a bit teased about it when I was younger, but I didn't really care nowadays.

I ran until I forgot about time, forgot about Mike, Erik and every other problem that was causing my worries. It was so nice, I almost understood why some werewolfes decided to go out in the wild and live there. But I don't think that I could ever leave my pack, they were my family. 

Soon my stomach growled and I decided to turn back home after a while. The wind had gotten a bit colder and some grey clouds now covered the sky. The leaves crunshed under my paws when I shifted and I suddelnly felt the cold air embrace my bare skin. I pulled my clothes on och went back into the house. 

"Hey, Liam. You went out for a run?" Mom stood in the garden filling some flowerpots with dirt. 


"Good to see that you have something to do. There's some lunch in the fridge if you're hungry."

"Sure, mom." My answers were pretty short and I just wanted to get to the kitchen and eat something, so I sneaked away from her and went into the house. 

I appeared that every single person on the planet wanted to talk to me today. Now my brother, who has been avoiding me for two days, was standing in front of me telling me that he wanted to talk. I sighed, I was just so hungry. But to be fair to my brother I decided to let him talk first, since he obviously had something important so say. 

"Can we go up to your room?" He asked.

"Uh... Sure." That was wierd and my confusion only grew. 

We went up the stairs and into my room. Jeremy looked so awkward and out of place, like he had never see my room before, which was wierd since we had spent a lot of time here when we were younger, playing lego or having sleepovers. I sat down on the bed and waited for him to start, still utterly confused, Jeremy had never wanted to "talk" before. 

"Uh... so, I don't really know where to start." 

"Why did you want to talk to me?" I began to help him out a bit. 

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