Chapter 1

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A/N - Hello people from wherever you are right now!

I am just going to fill you in with what is going on in Camelot. Uther is still king, and Arthur is crown prince. Morgana didn't turn evil in my story, I love her way too much, sooo...
All the knights are there, alive and well, thank you very much. The story takes place somewhere before 'a servant of two masters', but it's a bit different, because Morgana isn't evil.

Also, this is my first story, so I am still trying to figure things out.

If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments. I'll try to answer them.

Okay, now let's begin the story, enjoy!

~ Fia


Merlin pov.

Merlin awoke with a start. To say that he had not gotten enough sleep, was a severe understatement. He groaned, rolled over in his bed and turned his head towards the window. Birds were chirping happily and there was chatter coming from outside in the streets below the small window on the right side of his bed...

"Damnit!" He jumped out of his bed like he was burned by it and dressed himself as fast as he could, tripping when he pulled on his pants twice.

He overslept. Again. Merlin, irritated with himself, jumped down the stairs, missing the last five steps by accident, almost losing his balance in the process. He steadied himself before looking up and saying, "Gaius, why didn't you wake-?" He paused. Gaius was nowhere to be seen. "-me..?" Merlin frowned. 

Normally, Gaius was working at this time of the day. Maybe he was gathering herbs? No, he'd done that last monday.

His eye fell on the table. Gaius had already set it for him, a lump of bread and a cup filled with water. Next to it was a note with Gaius' handwriting on it. Merlin quickly scanned it as he stuffed the bread into his mouth.

I have gone to the lower town, a family there appears to be suffering from an old illness that I found a cure for a few years ago. I gave them a remedy and I am going to stay with them for a day, to see if it does it's work. There's a sleeping draught on the medicine table that I have prepaired for the Lady Morgana

Merlin glanced at the table.

Could you deliver it to her? I have to leave quickly.

- Gaius

There wasn't anything else on the paper, but it explained why Gaius hadn't yelled for him to come down, like he normally did. 

Merlin picked up the cup, drank all of it in one gulp and put in back down. He swept the vile of the medicine table, pulled the door open with more force than he would have liked and quickly made his way towards the kitchens.


when he had collected the tray with food for Arthur, Merlin reluctantly started walking towards Arthur's chambers, trying to convince himself that the prince would let it slide for once that he was woken up too late for the third time in a row.

"Ugh, who am I kidding, he's gonna kill me." Merlin muttered to himself before taking a deep breath and pushing through one of the large wooden doors that led to Arthur's chambers. 

Quietly, he closed them, shutting out the tiny amount of light that the room was receiving, and tiptoed towards Arthur, who was laying on his chest with his face to the window half burried in a pillow, sleeping peacfully. 

He looked downright adorable, eyelashes casting a shadow over his face, snoring almost inaudible. Merlin smiled fondly at him, he looked so careless when he was asleep, no stress, just relaxed. 

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