Chapter 29

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Arthur pov

There had been word from Essetir that they had appointed a new king. "Already?" Was Merlin's first reaction. "It has only been three days!" Arthur nodded thoughtfully. That had been fast after Cenred had died. "Did Cenred have any relatives?"

Maybe, a cousin? No, he didn't have any... Arthur frowned. Cenred's parents had already passed away. No siblings. He could have had a secret sibling. Arthur thought with a smirk. Morgana did and she'd hidden that pretty well.

"I don't know, Merlin."

Merlin pursed his lips a bit, frowning in thought. Eventually, he shrugged and put down the flower pot he had moved from a shadowy place to the table, where the sunlight could get to it. "Well, I guess we'll see soon enough."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you have been invited to a buffet in four days with the king along with several others, uhm, the Gawant's Lord Godwyn and princess Elena, Queen Annis and King Caerleon, from Nemeth, King Rodor and princess Mithian, did I forget to mention that?"

Arthur's head shot towards him, meeting an innocent smile. He blinked. "YES?" Merlin rolled his eyes. "Come on, you have four days to prepare. Don't get your royal panties in a twist. Besides, I'm sure you'd be happy to see how the other kingdoms are doing, you can have a nice talk."

"When did we get the invitation?"

"Oh, you got it this morning."

Arthur heaved a deep sigh. "Alright, make sure to clear our schedule that day." Merlin raised an eyebrow in question. "Arthur, you don't need me there, they've got servants too, you know." "They do, Merlin," Arthur said, holding Merlin's gaze. "but I still need someone to keep me company for if I run out of jokes."

Merlin snorted, "You? Making jokes? I didn't realise that having humour was part of becoming king." 

"shut up."

Merlin just shot him a charming smile, kissed Arthur on his cheek and walked over to his desk. He pulled out an envelope with a seal that held the Essetir crest. "Here." Arthur took it and pulled out the letter. 


To his royal highness, King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot,

It is my honour to offer you this invitation to have a buffet in the castle of Essetir as a peace offering to you. 

I would like to ask you to sign a peace contract between our kingdoms and have a fresh start.

I have also invited several others to this gathering, of which are the royal highnesses of Caerleon, King Odor and the princess Mithian, and Lord Godwyn accompanied by princess Elena. They will be joining us at the buffet along with a few people of their choice. 

It will be held next tuesday in the afternoon,

You can take a companion or more with you, I will not force you to come here alone.

If you accept this invitation, I will be very pleased. I myself like having friends more than having enemies and can only hope you agree with that. 

Please, send word back if you were to decide to come.

King Henry of Essetir

"huh." Arthur said. "That's oddly kind." Merlin nodded, having read with him over his shoulder. "Yes, it is." "You believe this man really wants to sign a peace contract with us?" Merlin shrugged, nodding. "He has no quarrle with us. I suggest you consider the possibility that King Henry is a good man."

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