Chapter 30

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"I'm sure they'd be fine with it." Gwen was holding Morgana's hand with her own, lacing their fingers, softly squeezing it in reassurance while they strode down the hallway. Morgana just shrugged, nodding, earning a broad smile from her girlfriend. 

They continued on. It had been Gwen's idea to go to the forest to see the beauty in the scenery when it was blanketed in snow. Even from inside, Morgana could see that all of it was at least ten inches deep. "We should make a snowman." She realised how good that idea was the moment she said it. "With Arthur and Merlin, we can hold a competition!"

Gwen chuckled. A light and pleased sound. Morgana loved to hear it. "It's always gotta be a competition with you two."

"Says the one who held one with Merlin, trying to see who could light most of the fire places."

"That was one time!"

"And you'd do it again, I saw you when you got back, that was the most fun you'd had in ages."

"You're right, you're right."

Morgana opened her mouth to say something else, but her eye fell on a door opening and Merlin came out. Well, Merlin more like, jumped out, turning around in his sprint - unrestrained laughter coming out if his mouth - just in time to see something that made him duck. A pillow flew past his head and stopped mid-air, eyes glowing for a second with a playful smirk on his face.


Merlin cocked his head up to the pillow with raised eyebrows, daring. There were quick footsteps and Merlin gave a forceful jerk with his head, sending the pillow flying back into the room with considerable force. By the loud 'Thump' Morgana knew Merlin had hit his target. Also the uncontrolable laughter from Merlin as he hugged his stomach, doubling over with laughter.

"Merlin, you complete and utter-" He didn't get any further and his abrupt stop told Morgana that Merlin had stopped him. She looked back to him and saw him already looking at her with a cheeky smile. pfft. Morgana nearly laughed at his pathetic attempt to hide that he was... What was he doing?

"Pillow fight?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow with an amused smirk on her face. Merlin cleared his throat, glancing into the room for a fraction to who Morgana figured was Arthur and said, "What are you talking about? We were discussing a very important matter." Arthur apppeared in the doorway with a very unconvincing nod. Gwen, next to Morgana let out a snort.

"In bed?"

Morgana only noticed it now. Merlin's hair was disheveled and sticking out to every possible direction and Arthur looked worse, but that could also have been the result of a pillow hitting you full in the face.

Arthur visibly reddened and Merlin smirked at them, feigning innocence. It didn't work, he looked guilty of murdering several someones and knowing it was wrong. No shame. Gwen let out a gasp. "Jesus, guys."

Merlin chuckled and his gaze fell on their linked hands, his expression changing under a second. He elbowed Arthur, getting his attention away from the floor and looked up at them again, gesturing to their hands with a smile.

Arthur followed to where he was pointing with a frown. He saw them holding hands, no expression on his face. There was a moment of silence before his eyes widened and his head shot up to them. "Wait, are you-?" 

Merlin looked at him with a confused smile. "Your brain usually doesn't need such a long time to fully restart." Earning a soft growl. "You know why." Merlin seemed to get it and turned back to them, awaiting an answer. 

"Uhm," Morgana cleared her throat and breathed in carefully before nodding. Luckily, Gwen picked up from there. "yes. We are." 

Both Merlin and Arthur's faces lit up with bright smiles and Merlin exitidly hurried over to hug them whispering "congrats on realising." To them, getting a sarcastic laugh from Gwen, while Morgana shoved him in the ribs with a soft 'Hypocrite' directly following behind, making him grin. He stepped aside to let Arthur hug them. 

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