Chapter 5

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Gwen pov.

Guinevere sat on the steps in front of the castle, cherishing the last precious rays of sunshine for the year. There were people around her doing their jobs and being busy. Maidens, servants and Knights hurried to do their chores or to go to training. everyone was chattering.

A sigh escaped Gwen's lips as she turned her head upwards, and closed her eyes against the brightness of the sun, letting it warm her face.

Someone was coming down the stairs, almost making no noise at all, but Gwen heard it anyway. the soft tap of shoes stopped behind her and a smile tugged at her lips. "Hi Morgana." She said, eyes still closed. "How did you know it was me?" She heard Morgana ask, and snorted. "Morgana, you're the only one who walks like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you barly touch the ground at all. You'd make a good criminal, you know that?"

Morgana didn't answer, but Guinevere could almost hear her smile at that. There was a slight gush of wind as she sat down next to her. "So, what are we doing?" She asked, inhaling the lukewarm air. "Enjoying what's probably the last warm day before winter." "Okay." gwen smiled to herself by that answer.

"What? Don't you have something to do?" She asked, raising her eyebrows slightely and cracking her eye open. Morgana shuffled around a bit, before answering, "You really overestimate my amount of tasks in the court when you're the king's ward," Gwen made a soft understanding noise and Morgana continued, "No, I was actually looking for something to do. I think we should tell Merlin that I know about him now as soon as we get the chance."

"That would be a sensible thing to do yeah." Gwen agreed, "He'll be back in a bit. We'll tell him, then." The sun was getting less bright, Morgana looked at her and nodded, muttering something in agreement.

She briefly glanced over to see if he conveniently came around the corner, but no one came.

Guinevere watched as Morgana sighed deeply and chuckled, stretching her legs out in front of her to get more comfortable on the steps. Morgana followed her movements and looked up to the sky. When Gwen did the same, she noticed that dark clouds were gathering in the distance, obviously planning to move towards the Castle.

yup, time's up. Winter's coming. She told herself, right before blinding lightning struck whatever was high enough. She patiently waited for the thunder that came three seconds later. The loud crack sounded close. Next to her, Morgana flinched a bit. Gwen felt a smile tug on her face and said, "Are you frightened of thunder? It's not here yet."

She got a look as Morgana turned her gaze back on the clouds. "No, I just didn't expect it to be this noisy. It's been a while." She uttered, looking down.

Guinevere eyed her, sceptical, but also didn't push it. "You said you wanted to do something, what are we going to do?" Gwen asked, blowing a lock of hair out of her face. Morgana narrowed her eyes slightly. "Except getting washed away by the storm that's clearly coming this way?" she asked drily, earning a snort from Gwen.

Morgana went on, "I don't think I have anything else to do. How about you? Do you sit here often when you don't have things to do? Because I could totally believe that." Gwen dragged a hand through her hair. "I like watching people go about their day. It makes me feel calm. And, of course, Arthur will be back today, so someone needs to be there to help that idiot with his crush."

There was a moment where they looked at each other, before they both laughed. Gwen turned her face neutral and serieus again. "I am this close to having him realize his feelings. Just realizing them!" "you've been at it for almost a year now." "Yes, that's how hard this is. He's annoyingly dense." Morgana smiled softly. She almost looked sorry for her. Almost. There was a hint of amusement in her eyes that made Gwen doubt it.

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