Chapter 13

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Merlin pov

After making sure Arthur would be okay without him for a bit, Merlin decided to have a talk with Morgana, because why didn't she mention her having an evil sister? And maybe to warn her about her.

The dull ache in the back of his head wasn't so bad anymore, but he still felt it. Wincing a bit every once in a while, he stood and left the room.

The castle was starting to get cold too and Merlin was thankful everytime he passed the warmth of another torch while hurrying to Morgana's chambers. His footsteps echoed through the hallways, disrupting the peaceful silence that hung there.

'Why do castles need to be this big?' He thought. It was extremely lucky for everyone that Gwen had found them. If she hadn't, there was a big chance that Arthur would be dead right now. The idea o that sent chills through his body.

Merlin often thought about everytime he and Arthur had survived things they shouldn't have and wondered if that maybe eventually required a price he had to pay. It gave him anxiety he could not get rid off.

But maybe he worried too much. Gaius certainly thought so. But there wasn't and 'on' and 'off' switch for these things! He couldn't just not care anymore! I would if I could, but I just can't...

After turning another corner, Merlin took the spiral staircase up towards the chambers and finally reached the door.

"Morgana?" He questioned, knocking on her door. It took a few seconds for her to answer. "You can come in, Merlin." Came from inside the room. She sounded tired. Merlin pushed through the door and found Morgana sitting in her bed cross legged with a comb in her hand.

"Are you okay? You sound off." He asked sitting down on a chair near the bed. Morgana chuckled without humour. "I'm fine, I should be the one asking you, there's a snake in your neck."

"Oh, I will get it out."

"I hope so, I don't think I enjoyed seeing Arthur poisoned."

Merlin swallowed. "Yeah, me neither. I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't apologise. It wasn't you."

"But if I hadn't been kidnapped, this w-"

"Shut up, Merlin."

Merlin instantly closed his mouth and frowned. Morgana made eye contact with him and scowled. "Do you remember who did this?" She asked him with a hint of fear in her voice. "Morgause." Merlin immediately said. Morgana's face twisted into anger. "I should have known. It's because of me that you didn't know about her. I should have told you when I found out what her interests were. I won't blame you for hating me."

"Morgana, I assure you I don't blame you for what your sister is. I don't hate you." Merlin told her without missing a beat. He wasn't about to let her blame herself for everything, he already did that and it wasn't fun. Morgana seemed to calm down at that.

At that moment, Guinevere walked in. She looked from Merlin to Morgana, back to Merlin again and tilted her head a bit as if asking a question. "Oh, Merlin is himself, Gaius told us the poultice would last until tonight." Morgana filled in when the silence got uncomfortable. Gwen relaxed and nodded with a smile. "Good, good, good, that's good, yeah, I don't want to hit you over the head again."

"So, that was you?" Merlin said surprised. "Wow, remind me not to anger you, you can hit hard." "Sorry. I had a weapon, by the way." Gwen said, "A can. Those things can be helpful in many ways." She walked over to him and checked his head. Merlin chucked when he heard a soft gasp.

"Yes, you did that."

"I only meant to knock you out."

"Well, more than that happened."

Always Be With You - MerthurDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora