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This is a story that all dream smp fans know well, but let's change it up a bit.

The Somorephic kingdom is a glorious place. Called smp for short, it has beautiful land marks, most golden sunsets, flaming arrows raining through the sk-

Wait, what??

I look up from the sunset I was enjoying to an arrow fully on fire barely missing my head of dirty blond hair, chiping the signature mask I always wore. I quickly jumped up to set out the flame so they didn't spread into the rest of the castle I was currently living in, my heart pounding. Who the hell who tried to shoot me?

I quickly look down to the bottom of the tower, just to see my best friends waving up at me, Sapnap and George.

"Did we hit you!" The teen with goggles yelled up to me with cuped hands

"No, just startled me a bit thats all!"

"FUCK WE MISSED!" Yelled Sapnap, obviously joking.

I just rolled my eyes and jumped/climb the tower. I was too tired to keep up the conversation, but knew that they wouldn't stop pestering me if I didn't come see what they wanted.

" Well is the glorious king himself gracing us with his presence?"

"Shut it Snapnap, if I didn't come down here, the next arrow would probably set me on fire."

" Well at least you can get one thing straight " George said, voiced full of sarcasm.

George was currently trying to bet my world record with a bow. He was failing horribly, as every time he tried to hit the targets, he would always miss greatly. My record maybe was 50 bulls eyes in a row, but I'm still not the best.

"Sapnap, I still can't believe you didn't enter the contest with me" I said to my bandana wearing friend.

"You know I hate competing, so can you let it drop?"

"Well, you could at least help meeee!" George wined as missed another shot.

Sapnap is the best of the best, as he came from a whole family of archers before he came to SMP. Snapnap was hired as my bodyguard back when I first had to choice my own army. He was just traveling in when he shot an arrow out of the sky that was aimed for my head. George on the other hand sucks. George was still talented, dont get me wrong. He could make anything. Any weapon, gadget, or machines he puts his mind to. George came from a family of lords, but he realized it wasn't for him, so he traveled as an inventor till he came here. He's now in charge of weapons and other inventions. I had him privately employed when we first needed new military advancement. We hit it off since then, Snapnap too.

"I still don't know why you were that stupid thing on your face." George grumble as he misses another shot. "We already know what you look like."

Of course he was talking about my mask. No one but a select few has seen my face, and I never wanted them too. Sometimes, somethings just needed to be left alone.

"I told you, its because I dont want yall to die from my beautiful eyes!" I said while over dramatically falling into Sapnap's arms.

He dropped me almost immediately. But just as I was about to pull him down with me, the horns started to sound. We each looked at each other, are moods changing to a darker one. I start to stand, brushing the green stains from my dark pants.

"Looks like L'manburg is back."

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