-o- chapter five -o-

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Third person pov

Sapnap and Karl make it to the sushi restaurant, Sushiano. They were about 5 minutes late.

"Reservation for Jimmy, 6:30. We're here with them." Karl spoke.

The front desk lady lead them to the table, the 3 boys already sitting at the booth.

"Can I sit next to Chris?" Karl looked up at sapnap, grinning.

"Who said you couldn't?" Sapnap replied.

Jimmy sat across from Chris and Karl, next to Chandler. The booth was U shaped. Sapnap sat in the curve by himself.

The 4 boys got in a conversation, besides for Sapnap. Eventually the waiter came, they all ordered their Sushi.

Sapnap barely spoke. He was off for some reason.

Sapnap went on Twitter. He posted a selfie of him and Karl he had meant to post earlier. He then went through his mentions, many fanarts and pictures of the cruise boarding.

Eventually he scrolled and found a tweet. Someone had taken a picture of Karl helping Sapnap. He then noticed how many people recreated that into fanart. There was now a new ship, "Karl x Sapnap."

Sapnap's face turned red, he looked at his lap, hiding his face from the others.

He heard the waiter delivering their food. Sapnap looked up, his face not so red anymore.

"You okay Sapnap?" Karl asked him.

"Yeah. Just scrolling through Twitter."

TW: slight angst

Sapnap started slowly eating his sushi, yet somehow he finished before all the others. He noticed how Karl and Chris laughed together. A wave of jealousy hit Sapnap. The words of "what if he doesn't like me back? i'm a fool." repeated in his head. He put his hands in his hair, looking down. Tears falling into his lap. "You're crying in front of your friends, your crush, how pathetic." The sentence echoed through his mind. He blacked out into his dark thoughts.

"Sapnap? Sapnap? Hello? Are you okay?" Karl said, scooting closer to him.

Karl picked up Sapnap's head, wiping the tears off his face with his sleeve. Sapnap just moved his head, crying into Karl's shoulder.

Karl wrapped his arms around Sapnap, holding him close.

"Sappynappy? It's okay!"

Sapnap brought back up his head. He rubbed his nose a little bit.

"You're okay now, right? I'm not going to sit next to Chris until I know you're okay." Karl said to Sapnap, holding his face.

"I'm okay Karl, don't worry about m-"

"but I will anyway, you're an amazing person! Why wouldn't I?" Karl said, interrupting Sapnap as he argued back with him.

The group fell silent for a little bit. Karl grabbed Sapnap's hand, holding it tight for a second and letting it go.

Sapnap wanted Karl to do that more often.

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